The project....

i dont like the idea of wormholes...mainly because i dont feel sure about their true existance



I've twice been conquered.
Three times more.
Never again shall humanity purge me.
And never the pfhor.


Don't try being polite or anything. Seriously, though, -X-, err, Soviet Mikee, said that it was just a hobby. Show some respect, will you.


"No! Try not! Do. Or do not. There is no try." -Yoda

"Impossible is a word Humans use far too often." -Seven of Nine

lol, maybe -x- should just make an alpha release and let us all have it 😉 on the other hand, he might've scrapped the project... :eek:


Actually, I am a bit busy. Currently I a full time, year-around student... I am working on two majors and starting next semester, working on a minor... something computer related.

I also have a kickin' job at a Mac store that is a retail/mail-order business. It's pretty cool, I work as a "Mac-tech"...fixing or updating all sorts of new and old Macs. Nice job... get to wear regular clothes and eat donuts and talk mostly... 😃

Anywho, I haven't touch the game in a while... I have a feeling I will soon. When I do, I'll post two or three more.

Oh, and as for wormholes, supposedly they don't exist naturally. A wormhole is nothing more than a black and a white hole (without a singularity) somehow attached to each other. Perhaps one day mankind will be able to focus enough matter and energy to create them. Hmmmm...

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

I thought that the current theory was that wormholes occur naturally, but that the amount of energy needed to create one of significant size is such that the ones that do occur are significantly smaller in diameter than a proton, or something like that. So according to this theory, teeny subatomic wormholes are popping up all the time, it's just that nothing can fit through them, so we don't notice.

"The impossible is easy; it's the unfeasible that poses a problem."


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**Oh, and as for wormholes, supposedly they don't exist naturally. A wormhole is nothing more than a black and a white hole (without a singularity) somehow attached to each other. Perhaps one day mankind will be able to focus enough matter and energy to create them. Hmmmm...

Than how about naked singularities? You could just have them be white points of light that when approached slowly you were pushed away from, but when approached at a significant velocity you went into another Universe! They are speculated to occur naturally,

From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
(url="http://"")Halo(/url), (url="http://"")Homeworld(/url), (url="http://"")Diablo II(/url), (url="http://"")Terminus(/url).

I want to be a beta tester... This game sounds totally awsome... i am hyperventilating over the thought of a 3d ev ;)... you should save all the ev graphics soviet mikee(sp) and save them for downloading for people who want the ev ships (like ME!) what kidn of computer do you use to make the program? what lang.. is it? i will think of a ton of suggestions so be prepared.... 🙂


this string was getting out of sight at the top of the list, just popping it back up to the top 😉


Most of the graphics will be a 3DMF 'file'. You'll be able to change them and re-use them as much as you want...

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

This will be cool. And about wormholes they don't havwe to be real to put them in a computer game! its only a game.

"Some people are just stupid."

-Tristan Moyer

"Get you stinkin paws off me, you damn dirty apes!"

people! reply to this string! give info and feedback to the master (-x-)

hey, that looks pretty kewl (-x-) (-x-)

whoot 😄



Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**Oh, and as for wormholes, supposedly they don't exist naturally. A wormhole is nothing more than a black and a white hole (without a singularity) somehow attached to each other. Perhaps one day mankind will be able to focus enough matter and energy to create them. Hmmmm...


Hate to break it to you guys but 90% of stellar occurances are nothing more theory. Some guy thinks of something and everyone goes, "Ya thats a good idea, that MUST be what happens" Next thing you know it's in your text books as fact. But who cares it is after all a game.




Originally posted by Dragon:
**Hate to break it to you guys but 90% of stellar occurances are nothing more theory. Some guy thinks of something and everyone goes, "Ya thats a good idea, that MUST be what happens" Next thing you know it's in your text books as fact. But who cares it is after all a game.


Heh, I agree. But I usually go with common theories. Go over to the B & B board and say something like that... involving evolutionary theories 😃

tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - - Rip the System!


From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
(url="http://"")Halo(/url), (url="http://"")Homeworld(/url), (url="http://"")Diablo II(/url), (url="http://"")Terminus(/url).

lets all chant for screenshots!

explosions! guns! missiles! more! we want screenshots at our door...!



Explosions! Guns! Missiles! More! We want screenshots at our door...!


From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
(url="http://"")Halo(/url), (url="http://"")Homeworld(/url), (url="http://"")Diablo II(/url), (url="http://"")Terminus(/url).