Igadzra mission help

I'm pretty far along in the Igadzra string (well, at least, I think so).... but, now I'm TOTALLY lost.

My mission is to find a miranu vessel carrying "some cargo" that is supposed to be delivered to Igadzra. My only information is that the last known location of the vessel was when it took of from Station Plogok. It's traveling through Adzgari (sp?) space, (secret route)...

My question is... WHERE IN GOD'S NAME IS IT? I've been all over Aggy space (I've captured all of their planets) and I can't find anything. Help?

"It's a boy! AND WHAT A BOY!"
"Mr. Simpson, that's the umbilical cord"


Originally posted by Flatulence:
**I'm pretty far along in the Igadzra string (well, at least, I think so).... but, now I'm TOTALLY lost.

My mission is to find a miranu vessel carrying "some cargo" that is supposed to be delivered to Igadzra. My only information is that the last known location of the vessel was when it took of from Station Plogok. It's traveling through Adzgari (sp?) space, (secret route)...

My question is... WHERE IN GOD'S NAME IS IT? I've been all over Aggy space (I've captured all of their planets) and I can't find anything. Help?

Check the Leka system 😉

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

Some people need to wash their gene pool

A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!

Ahhh... bless you child 😃

"It's a boy! AND WHAT A BOY!"
"Mr. Simpson, that's the umbilical cord"