Shades of Evil help

i have the mission to flank airiane, and i dont really understand it 😕
i go to mestor, kill all the ships there, go to airiane and destroy everything thenre, then i land on new voina and nothing happens :mad:. help!!

"Do you look to the sky just before you die, it's the last time you will..."
-Metallica,"For Whom The Bell Tolls"


Originally posted by GrayWolf:
**i have the mission to flank airiane, and i dont really understand it😕
i go to mestor, kill all the ships there, go to airiane and destroy everything thenre, then i land on new voina and nothing happens :mad:. help!!

Rename the original "Reign of the Voinians" plugin to "Reign I" so that it comes alphabetically before "Reign II- Shades of Evil". This causes the Reign II plugin to load last, so you get the correct version of the Mestor system (which has an extra port, aha!). This will also correct some other systems, fix some jump lines, and weaken the Voinian Cruiser to standard levels.