Stellar Corp.

how the hell do i join stellar corp? i went to new chicago before i joined the UE naval guys and all i get is the offer from the UE do i join?!?


Keep calling in at the bar there. You'll get them eventually.

if you see me grinning from
my blue Volks
running a yellow light
driving straight into the sun
I will be locked in the
arms of a
crazy life

Charles Bukowski.
'one for the shoeshine man'

what should i do with the UE offer? if i say no then it only pops up the next time i go in the bar. do i accept UE offer and then get stellar corp or what?


Take the UE offer. It has no bearing/relevance on the SC missions. The UE is something like 100% available, SC, much less. I've been offered the SC missions very early on in the game and very late. Stop worrying and enjoy the game goddammit 🙂

Look what is best, that best I wish in thee;
This wish I have; then ten times happy me!

The Immortal Bard. From Sonnet 37

ok thanks!!! good advice about enjoying the gme=)
