Final delivery for Paaren Station?

Where is it? I've searched all over UE space and I can't find it. Please help me out here!!

"Creation is messy.
You want genius, you
get madness, two
sides of the same
coin."--Steve Jobs

try mestor, or the Thoso system.


It's not realy a delivery...


Originally posted by PismoCaptain:
**Where is it? I've searched all over UE space and I can't find it. Please help me out here!!


Have ye taken the mission to help them rescue the spy a second time? was on his way in shuttel to where even Knox I think it is. after thats done land on planet and go to bar

Hail Odin,
where he gose victory and
glory follow. The old
gods are not dead and are
regaining rightful
places!! Hail the old Hail the new and hail the futur.

Yah yah, it's not a mission computer mission. You find in a bar. But you have to get the Voinian defector from Pax first.
