If I made a plug-in....

Would anyone care? Hehe just joking.

I have two of my own plug-ins in the works. My favortie of the two is a plug-in wher eyou are part of an alien race invading the EVO galaxy. I've warped the entire galaxies, new desriptions and all, everything is different. You have a new pilot file, but the twist is you start of in a warship as a hero of the alien race, leading the attack on sol.

The second one (which is in the works) is you are a lone ship. No matter where you jump in the galaxy, there are no ships whatsoever. Every planet is deserted, not even the tiniest ant is alive. You have to unravel a mystery! The bad things are: Cap'n hector, the crew on your ship count as people, and I have have to use free graphics sites for both plugs.

Anyoen wanna volunteer to make graphics for both? No pay, jsut greater glory of mankind.

Lunar 2
One is back, new and

I think the standard way to reward someone for that kind of work is to give them a përs. That said, I'm too busy to help. Sorry.

"The impossible is easy; it's the unfeasible that poses a problem."