outfits idea

Regarding the recent posts concerning favourite weapons and ships, I was thinking that it would be a nice idea if those outfits, which are only available if you side with a particular strand, could also become available to you if you completely dominate that strands planets. This way, you could play through with the Igadzra, say, and then dominate the azdgari totally and get hold of the fighter.
So no one would need to cheat in order that they could create their dream setup.
I dont know if this is possible as a plug, but it seems like a nice idea.


Yeah, I have been saying this for a long time - just not on the web-board!

kill the hamsters
gerbils are superior

Thanks for replying. It seems to make some sort of logical sense to me that if you totally dominate a civilisation, then you should be able to take your pick of their technology.


It's a good idea, but it's not possible for a plugin to do that. You would
need mods to the game engine. Plugins are capable of taking very little
action based on domination. If I recall, outfit/ship availability is only
based on mission bits.


Originally posted by Sloppy:
It's a good idea, but it's not possible for a plugin to do that. You would
need mods to the game engine.

Actually, you could have it as part of some, say, Igadzra missions to dominate some Azdgari planets; after the mission was done, it could set a bit that lets you buy Azdgari tech they (according to the plot) got from the planets you dominated.


"Americans want their cheese dead."
-NY Times Magazine

"Some people call magazines mags, some call 'em zines, so I just call them gazs."

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Here's how this could be done: Make a mission available on each strand's capital planet (and maybe a few others), use the AvailRecord setting of -32000 "When the player has dominated the stellar in question", and have it set the appropriate technology mission bits on completion. What form the mission would take, I'm not sure, but the point is, this CAN be done.

(If you really wanted, you could make the mission available at "any stellar of this govt", but it doesn't make sense to me, saying "OK, you captured this obscure little Adzgari base, so we're gonna give you all of our stuff." Make it challenging!) 🙂

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

Huh...that's a good idea, Glenn 🙂 You could make the mission a self-aborting type. You land, you get a message from the gov't ruling body that you've called their mamma and whupped their arses...then it flips the technology bit. I like it 🙂


Yes, it should definitely be challenging. You should only be able to access the technology if you have command of ALL of that strands planets, so its not as if this stuff is just up for grabs. Perhaps it could also be dependent upon the player having also completed the main EVO objectives. This way, you get an ongoing challenge once you have 'completed' the game.
BTW Im just playing with the idea here, I have absolutely no idea how to make a plug-in at all!!


Great idea! In fact, I think I'll start working on it ASAP!

Handling multiple planets would be easy. Make "News Item" mission computer missions ala Femme Fatale that require specific planets to be dominated. Make them over a string of bits.
Example: Parot World is dominated, mission sets bit 200. Dog World is dominated, mission requires bit 200 and sets 201 and so on.


good idea

I am the SuperStar Destroyer,
soon you will all feel my wrath
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

A jedi's strengh flows through
the force

luke do not underestimate the
powers of the darkside

I have acepted that you
were once Anakin Skywalker
my father

young jedi only now do
you truly understand the
powers of the darkside

Hey, this sounds great. I know I should be trying to do it myself, but I just dont have the knowledge, or any time to learn at the moment. But if anyone actually manages to do a plug, Id love to try it out or be a tester.
Here's hoping it works!!


Halfway done!
Watch for it by next monday or tuesday!

"I don't get involved in politics. My IQ is too high."
-VootGoo, your standard issue Dwarven Fighter I played when I was 12.
p.s. His INT was 6.

Well thats just brilliant!! How nice to see the webboard turning ideas round and into reality so fast. Cant wait for it to be done. Let me know if there is any way I can help. You shouldnt have to sweat it out alone, unless you like it that way, of course!!
cheers and best of luck


If you guys need any help testing, I'll give it a go on my old mac. See if it works on the fogie computers 🙂


Sorry, folks! I've been tied up in other stuff and I haven't the slightest clue when I'll finish the plug. :frown:

"I don't get involved in politics. My IQ is too high."
-VootGoo, your standard issue Dwarven Fighter I played when I was 12.
p.s. His INT was 6.

School's out, and I'm totally free (sorta). I could do some testing (I have a five-year-old computer with Mac OS 8.1).

"U.E.S. Iron Fist, request permission to dock."
"Permission denied."
"Up yours, Voinian scum!"

I'd be happy to test it Yosemite G3 350 MHz, MacOS 9.0 (I need to update to 9.0.4 )

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
— GreenYO, #ev

Iron fist you think YOUR comp is old... mine isnt even powerPC!!! NOW THATS SAD!!! 🙂


Gerbils are not better then hamsters...my Hamster held of a cat attack for a good foive minutes until i realized what my cat was attacking(hamster) This message is for those who think gerbils are better then hamsters



Originally posted by Mad Bomber:
**Iron fist you think YOUR comp is old... mine isnt even powerPC!!! NOW THATS SAD!!!:)

Ha ha ha! A fellow person with a computer that is from the stone age 😄 Glad to know there are others who suffer with me.
