Some random questions (ships, etc, etc)

Ok... my first question....

I've noticed that when I aquire a certain type of ship (Vonian, UE, etc) it seems that the natural enemies of that race always attack my ship, no matter what my relations are with them. Is this what's actually going on, or is some weird fluke? I recently got my hands on an Igzara (sp?) and now the Zidgar (yeah, I can't spell the race names) are kickin' my ass everywhere I go....

My next question has to do with shield generators... I've seen them in some of the plugins, but I'm wondering where I can buy them in the regular game... haven't had much luck in finding them.

Oh yeah... and once you get an ultimate combat rating, to bounty hunters just randomly show up to attack you? cuz that's REALLY annoying... or is it something else I did to piss them off?

That's all, thanks for your time.

"It's a boy! AND WHAT A BOY!"
"Mr. Simpson, that's the umbilical cord"

Oh, yes, and I forgot my most important question....

is there any way to ditch captured ships or escorts? I just can't get rid of them... it's a pain in the butt, cuz when I bring my fleet of captured voinian ships into UE space, they get attack instantly....

"It's a boy! AND WHAT A BOY!"
"Mr. Simpson, that's the umbilical cord"

Release escorts by pressing option-tab and selecting the escort that you want to get rid of. Press y. Select release from servitude.

Shield Generrators are found in strand and miranu space. They cost 500,000 credits and are 5 tons.

Have you conquered any planets? That's why the hunters are following you.

I'm not sure about the Zidagar question.

Feel the Jive
I'm not as think
as you stupid I am.

"If it weren't for my horse
I wouldn't have spent that year in college"
-Lewis Black

The reason you are getting attacked by those ships is exactly what you thought: no matter what your affiliation, if you have a ship of a certain government, the enemies of that gov't will try to kill you.

"The impossible is easy; it's the unfeasible that poses a problem."

Shield CAPACITORS are found in Miranu and Strand space. Shield GENERATORS can be purchased after doing the Adzgari string. By doing that string your ship will get 1: An experimental shield generator and 2: You will be able to purchase a regular shield generator in high-tech Adzgari space.

Bounty hunters normally come after you once you've gotten tribute from a planet(s). I just kill them anyway, it's good for a laugh or two.

Secret Asian Man

Shield Generators aren't worth the 2 million credits they cost. They only help if you have an Arada, or Azdara, with already good shield recharge rates.

"Not an Electric Sausage"- Marvin

"Happiness is a warm gun"-John Lennon

I am a proud member of Dogbert's New Ruling Class

Thank you all, you've been a great help...

And one last question... what do I do to get the Adzgari and Igzara missions? I've done one Igzara mission, disabling the "weird astroid", but I think that was tied in with a Miranu mission (plague curing)

"It's a boy! AND WHAT A BOY!"
"Mr. Simpson, that's the umbilical cord"


Originally posted by Flatulence:
**Thank you all, you've been a great help...

And one last question... what do I do to get the Adzgari and Igzara missions? I've done one Igzara mission, disabling the "weird astroid", but I think that was tied in with a Miranu mission (plague curing)

To get the ANY strand missions, you must have completed the diplomatic relations between Earth and Mira. Then, for the Iggies, go to a Miranu world that likes purple eels. For the Azzies, go to the "south tip" of the crescent.

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

Some people need to wash their gene pool

A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!

Actually since money isn't really an issue in evo, I think shield generators are well worth the money they cost. I always use them with any ship I buy.

Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

And the zids are up on some outpost, near the rock (north of miranu worlds).

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

the zid one starts at pozdag-3

Life is evil, live with it

I think they changed that in 1.02 because i used to have caputered zidaras or whatever and i never got attacked in 1.01 but now they try to take them out! That stinks
How am I supposed to rule the galaxy with my fleet if I get attacked all the time 🙂

~If you find yourself trying to gather your thoughts ask yourself: 'How do you gather chaos...'

its easy, get an extremely powerful fleet, like mine 😄

Life is evil, live with it

I've had the problem with them attacking my innocent fleet in EV and EVO. Normally this insn't a problem but when mission relted escorts turn on you I'm in a very unpleasant situation.