F-25 problem

I'm having a problem in one of the Querin missions. It's the one where I'm supposed to investigate the system with (I believe) Defense post 1 for any suspicious ships then land there. When I do this, nothing happens when I land. I sit and watch any ships there fight and leave, but still nothing. The only time I've gotten it to work is after aborting it and starting over, the probem there being that I become a felon throughout Querin space. The mission box has no text for this one, so it's got no clues for me. Anyone have any ideas?


This happened to me too, and its one of the many reasons why I no longer play
F-25. The problem is, that you need no legal status to get the mission, but I think you need an upstanding citizen rating to finish it. I could be wrong. Try killing the Kytaari, and taking other missions. When you come back, try to complete the mission.

"Not an Electric Sausage"- Marvin

"Happiness is a warm gun"-John Lennon

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