Zidagar/ Hunter

Okay, this may sound like a lame question, but can anyone tell me where to find the biginning Zidagar mission? I vaguely something about Pozdag # and I have gone there many times with an Ultimate combat rating. Is it possible that the fact that I have a Zidara already interferes with the missions?

Also, I've noticed that in almost every system I jump into theres a Huntetr Crescent Warship waiting to come after me. Why is that? Thanks



Originally posted by JamGecko:
**Okay, this may sound like a lame question, but can anyone tell me where to find the biginning Zidagar mission? I vaguely something about Pozdag # and I have gone there many times with an Ultimate combat rating. Is it possible that the fact that I have a Zidara already interferes with the missions?

Also, I've noticed that in almost every system I jump into theres a Huntetr Crescent Warship waiting to come after me. Why is that? Thanks


Have you conquered any planets? That's probably why the hunter is following you. It happened to me ever since I captured Gorky and Freeport. As for the Zidagar, make sure that all Zidagar systems like you (maybe a upstanding or above).

Feel the Jive
I'm not as think
as you stupid I am.

Alright, I've got the decent individual part down, but where do the missions start. I've spent all night looking and haven't found anything. Is the place random? I've checked Pozdag a lot too, just in case.


Non, ça commence sur Pozdag-3 ŕ tous les coups. Comment as-tu eu ton Zidara ? C'est sans doute ça qui leur déplaît. 🙂 Va plutôt voir les Igadzras ou les Agdazris.

No, it starts in Pozdag-3 every time. How did you get your Zidara ? That's what they may not like 🙂 Go see the Igadzras or the Azdagris.

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.

I dunno.....still not working. I have a neutral ship, deadly combat rating and a decent individual status in every Zidagar system. Does anyone know the exact requirements of the mission? Like if you use ResEdit or something to check in the game.


pozdag-3 is the place where you start the Zidigar missions, it should work

Life is evil, live with it

Try getting an Ultimate combat rating. Also the mission doesnt show up every time, so land there then come back.
"Is this thing supposed to be on fire?"-me
