Look what I found...

Perhaps everybody knows this, but It has come to my attention that there is a cheat for EVO. I opened EVO with ResEdit and found a Cheat Dialog box...however I have yet to find out how to receive this dialog box and what the cheat password is...anyone know about this?

It's a sick joke by 'Syntax just to annoy people who mess with the game files.

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

yeah, it did look a little too flashy to actually be real with this title:



Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**It's a sick joke by 'Syntax just to annoy people who mess with the game files.

And it worked pretty well, don't you think? 🙂

yup definetly...I commend the Ambrosia folk who wasted their time to annoy me... 🙂
