Home on the Range

I was just watching the western "The Outlaw", when I had a blindingly good idea for EV. Why not convert EV into a western.

Instead of having a starfield as a background, you could have desert/scrub terrain. Replacing ships would be different qualities of horse (thoroughbreds / half breeds etc) and instead of lazers and turrets, you could hav six-shooters and rifles.

You could have different tribes of American Indians as one government and, the American army as another, as well as lots of independant towns and 'rough' towns for wanted criminals and outlaws.

The missions could be stuff like "hunt down wanted outlaw", "deliver package to Mr. Jones at the Convience store" and "Excort convoy to (town name)". the systems would have lots of spobs with each one having different feature. The planets would be replaced by large sprites of buildings, for example, one spob would look like a saloon, and when you 'landed' there would be nothign but a bar on the spob. You could have stables for the 'shipyards' and gun merchants for the outfiters. There could also be lots of spobs for houses. the only problem would be you could walk over houses, which wouldn't be that realistic. The mission computer could be replaced by a post office or sherifs office.

Hyperspace wouldn't be a problem, instead of blasting off, you would start to gallop, with some hoof sounds in the background. And the explosian type sound would be replaced by someone saying "Whoa there!". Instead of having people blow up, you coudl have the horse keel over and turn into a pool of blood which seeps into the ground (not realistic I know, but it was the best I could think of)

Escorts would be replaced by a "Posse" which would be cool. And big ships could be replaced by covered wagons, which could have lots of guns as presumably, there would be room for more people inside. Just imagine galloping into a town with six men on horseback escorting you. You could mosy on down to the saloon, were you would be approached by a Federal mrshall whowould offer you a job to "Capture a Wanted Criminal"

Captin Hector would be replaced by Billy the Kid or Jesse James. 🙂

What do you think? If Ambroisia implements background changes in EV 3, I'm defiantly doing this. Just so no-one else steals my idea, I'm noting that I, Jackson Hyde came up with the original concept.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did that break your concentration?
I didn't mean to do that.
Please, continue.
I believe you were saying something about "best intentions."
-Jules. Pulp Fiction

(url="http://"http://www.secretchimpboard.cjb.net/")Secret Chimps Funk-O-Rific Forum(/url) Visit it now! It's much better than UBB!

(This message has been edited by the Necromicon (edited 07-08-2000).)

Two people (that I know of) tried to do changes in EV/O (one tried with EV, the other tried with EVO) regarding ships and ports. Not the space kind of ship, but the water kind.

Didn't work out very well, let's hope background changes and things related to them are more easily worked with in EV 3.

hey, where can i get the plug in you're talking about with the water ships?

I want to put my evil inside you.


Originally posted by WickedSKS:
**hey, where can i get the plug in you're talking about with the water ships?


Doesn't exist. It was just a thought of someones that couldn't be done on the account that you can't change the backround.

Sounds like a cool idea. Hope you can do it.

Feel the Jive
I'm not as think
as you stupid I am.


Originally posted by Jive 320:

Originally posted by WickedSKS:
hey, where can i get the plug in you're talking about with the
water ships?

Doesn't exist. It was just a thought of someones that couldn't be done on the account that you can't change the backround.

Sounds like a cool idea. Hope you can do it.

The plug-in is called 'Overflow", it got as far as a beta version, don't know if it was ever finished. You might check the usual sites for a copy of it. The author's e-mail is


Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer