Something funny...

I was looking for reviews of games, and I found some for EVO. So I decided to see what the people said. And here's a quote from MacHome:

"Override also has a plug-in architecture, which means third-party developers can make level editors for it or add new objects. To be honest, I don’t think Override is going to enjoy much third-party development; after all, how much money could you make trying to sell a plug-in for a shareware game? And, really, the game isn’t a big-budget, envelope-pushing game. It’s reasonably fun, but Unreal it isn’t."

Either the guy who wrote the review never tried making a plugin, or was thinking of a professional making a plugin. And of course it's not Unreal. Unreal is a completely different kind of game. (Isn't that what Nova is?)

Unreal Tournament is nice for network games (ok, it's a blast, and so is Myth II), but EVO is IMHO one of the best single player games.

Whoops, that turned into a rant, didn't it? 🙂 Anyway, I hope you have a good laugh over this.