There's something about Voinia

Noticed something odd. I decided to conquer all Voinian systems. I've got every system except Voinia. I understand that certain planets have VERY large defense forces. The first system I ever tried to dominate was the Council!! Gave up after a couple of hours and then found on this board that it has thousands of crescent warships.

The odd thing, though is when I try to dominate Voinia (or borb station), my escorts get wiped out. On all the other systems, my escorts take no damage. But for some reason in the Voinian system, their shields gradually wear away. Anybody have an explanation for this? I'm currently using an UE cruiser and 6 Igazra escorts. I expected there to be lots of ships, but did not expect the weapons to have more impact than weapons in other systems...


Sometimes, enemy vessels are so obsessed with chasing after you that they ignore friendlies and escorts... even when these ships are shooting them to pieces! This seems to happen a hell of a lot less often with v1.0.2, which is reasonable, since it did make life a bit too easy.

This (bug?) is the only situation I can think of where your escorts don't have to take their lumps like everyone else.

Anyway, to get a planetary defense force to ignore your escorts, try 'parking' your escorts with the 'V = hold position' command. Take out the first wave of defenders on your own, and then have your escorts wake up with 'C = rejoin formation'... might work. Stay sufficiently far away from your escorts that they don't get shot by bullets or rockets meant for you.

"I wear a helmet
But I've got a bare chest
I do some talking
My phaser does the rest
Don't like your tentacles
Don't like your face
Don't like your planet
Think I'll lay it to waste
'Coz I'm Rambo in Space
Yeah, I'm Rambo in Space"

I tried to take over Vornia, I spent TWO hours but got bored so gave up.

Question of my own: Can you take over Vornia


Originally posted by Burning Cow:
**I tried to take over Vornia, I spent TWO hours but got bored so gave up.

Question of my own: Can you take over Vornia **

hehe. Voinia ;).

Depends on your escorts. Strand/Miranu suck against voinians. Neutrons not ony kick the crap out of their shields, that they are killed early on (as with Bozo). Plus phase weapons suck against their armor. Since Voinia probably has a HUGE defence grid, they don't do much. I recomend trying to capture some UE Carriers or Destroyers in uninhabited systems or get some V. Cruisers or frigates and park them in front of the planet. They should hold out longer. Mr.T has a good strategy that I use. As soon as you hyper into a system, your escorts are usualy parked right on top of the planet. Get very far away (but close enough so you don't see an arrow on your radar screen) and have your fighters already launched. Demand tribute before your escorts get close enough to you and let the magic begin. just click r and then (f?) so your fighters go after the closest target. Your main escorts should take out alot of the big ships before they near you as well as the small ships. When the ships do get to you, they should be easy as they are probably already heavily damaged. Get heavy hitting weaponry also. It helps.

Feel the Jive
I'm not as think
as you stupid I am.


Originally posted by Jive 320:
**hehe. Voinia;).

Depends on your escorts. Strand/Miranu suck against voinians. Neutrons not ony kick the crap out of their shields, that they are killed early on (as with Bozo). Plus phase weapons suck against their armor. Since Voinia probably has a HUGE defence grid, they don't do much. I recomend trying to capture some UE Carriers or Destroyers in uninhabited systems or get some V. Cruisers or frigates and park them in front of the planet. They should hold out longer. Mr.T has a good strategy that I use. As soon as you hyper into a system, your escorts are usualy parked right on top of the planet. Get very far away (but close enough so you don't see an arrow on your radar screen) and have your fighters already launched. Demand tribute before your escorts get close enough to you and let the magic begin. just click r and then (f?) so your fighters go after the closest target. Your main escorts should take out alot of the big ships before they near you as well as the small ships. When the ships do get to you, they should be easy as they are probably already heavily damaged. Get heavy hitting weaponry also. It helps.

HAHA! I took out Voinia system today! Used the same ships as before (UEC and 6 Igazra). The Igazra's phase weapons might not do as much damage as I'd like, but they got LOTS of them! The plasma siphons kick a lot of butt too at the start of the battle. Dominated the planet Voina first. Their defense force is Frigates and Cruisers, but not an unbeatable number. One of the other posts mentions keeping away from immediate planet vicinity before demanding tribute. I did that, and it helped. There's another trick too:

Keep your distance and disable the interceptors and heavy fighters as they come out while you backpedal. Steal their rockets but don't destroy them, just leave them adrift. After quite a few waves, there are enough ships floating around that the Cruisers don't launch fighters anymore. You can paste the Cruisers without them launching fighters! That lessens the workload a lot. You can start doing the same thing with Frigates, or even take up slots by lanching your own fighters as Voinian ships explode. Ok, is this considered "cheating"? I don't care! HAHA! - I'm not into granting concessions to the enemy. You can't hit the curveball, I'm serving the breaker every time 🙂

Took out Borb station second. This was actually a bit harder. They're defence are interceptors and fighters, but LOTS of them! And they don't disable when you wear out their armor, they just explode. Had a couple of Cruisers show up, and their fighters do disable, but not enough of them to add up. I don't think the Cruisers are part of the station's defences, just happened to system in during the battle, I think. Careful use of the UE fighters helps, and spent a lot of time swatting the I's and F's with my own ship. All but 1 of my Igazras finally perished. But I captured a rogue Voinian Cruiser during the battle, a frigate and a couple of V. fighters. Seemed to help a lot - my V. ships would just lob rockets as the little guys screamed by -- took out quite a few that way. If I had to do it again, I'd probably assemble an all-voinian escort force for the attack on Borb station. I O W N A L L Voinian space, baby! You wanna land, you talk to me! heh heh



Originally posted by Burning Cow:
**I tried to take over Vornia, I spent TWO hours but got bored so gave up.

Question of my own: Can you take over Vornia **

I love massive bloody battels so I use dominater plug, makesem send one huge mass to stop you. And I have a very good ship in the f-25 I have the destroyer that looks like a dragon. that baby is cool.

Hail Odin,
where he gose victory and
glory follow. The old
gods are not dead and are
regaining rightful
places!! Hail the old Hail the new and hail the futur.

Yeah, keeping away from th planet helps ALOT. Told you that an all voinian or all UE escorts would help. They have more effective weapons then the Igazra.

About the not disabling, it's supposed to do that. That's what sucks about conquering the frigin' human renegades. If you battle a Turncoat one on one, it won't disable and keeps shooting at you until it blows up. Ah well.

Feel the Jive
I'm not as think
as you stupid I am.

Good luck dominating Voinia, its defense fleet consists of literally hundreds of ships. Its tough, and takes a LOT of time.

May as well give my advice.....your best bet (if you have cash to burn) is to get 6 UE Cruiser escorts in addition to your own ship. This can be done by buying a UE Cruiser, then hiring & capturing a pathetic little ship so the little guy becomes your main ship and the Cruiser becomes the escort. Repeat the process until you have all UE Cruisers as your escorts, then re-build your personal ship however you like (if its a UE Cruiser, there's 7). The UE Cruiser does very well against Voinian ships, probably even more so in 1.0.2.

Go for destroyers or Carriers if you have less cash to spend....just use the same strategy. Voinian Frigates won't help too much though, after their first warship they're gone....if you want Voinian ships to help go for capturing their Cruisers, though that is the hard way to do it (its tough to capture V. Cruisers because of their large crew)


(This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 07-08-2000).)

I love massive bloody battels so I use dominater plug, makesem send one huge mass to stop you. And I have a very good ship in the f-25 I have the destroyer that looks like a dragon. that baby is cool.

Bud, you should see my upgraded Querin Battleship. 😛
