Azdgari mission advice?

I was sent on a mission to get some "stuff" (I didnt find out what) by an azdgari who said he would meet me back on xarnes. When I got there, he was nowhere to be seen. Where can I pick up this string again. Ive flown all over azdgari space looking.
BTW, can I abort that zidagar photographer mission yet, and will it affect my status if I do?


Sorry, I can't help you there.

Brotherly love is when two brothers kill each other. - Me

I think it should be the color pink, so thet everyone will laugh at it. - Chris Boyland, commenting on my website.
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Well, I found the guy back on xarnes, but it took me nearly half an hour of leaving and re-entering the system for the mission to show up.
Ive now got to the point where I have to get some crystals off a ship. Im in the right system and Ive killed every zidagar ship that moves.... and nothing has the crystals on board. Can anyone tell me what ship I should be looking out for?


Ils sont sur un vaisseau Miranu ou Comemrçant.

They are on a Miranu or Trader ship.

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.

I'm starting to get frustrated with the Zidgar photographer. Every time I've gotten it (10-15 times), there are so many Azd. ships that the photographer can't get away, even If I don't do anything. (and I thought Xavier was kidding about failing the mission being hard) Is there anything I can do? I can't get any farther in the string until he gets away.


Sorry to keep on about this, but Ive just spent an hour in the twyus system, disabling everything that came into view and Ive had no hint of crystals.
A couple of times, one or two ships got past I only get one chance each time I enter the system? This is getting really frustrating!!!

Regarding the zid photographer, when I got that mission, i just attacked the two zid fighters and the main ship somehow slipped away. I continued the mission string no problem, but the mission is still in my mission info box...can I abort it now without any problems? (Im only asking in case I do it by accident).



Yeah you can, it's a failed mission, all its Bits have been set or cleared and so it does nothing. It dosen't affect your legal status either.

Good choice of strand by the way. For extra money take out igazras, any azdgari warship can take out an igazra if you help it the tiniest fraction. You get 300000 to 700000 credits.

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Thanx Azdara, but Im still desperate to know how to find these damn crystals. Its getting to the point now where I feel like giving up. Just how many ships do I have to disable before I find the crystals?
Please help me on this!!


Try aborting and restarting the mission.


PS: How(and where) did you start the mission string?


Well, Mr Descartes,
In answer to your Q...
I got the mission on xarnes, its all part of the development of the Azdgari shield system.

I went back to xarnes and aborted the mission as you suggested, then I accepted it in the bar again.
I went straight to Twyus, without landing anywhere and then I shot at every single thing that moved. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING has got out of that system alive, save a few zids which limped off wounded.
The mission says that the ship is likely to be well armed and will not announce itself i.e. its not going to be on a Zid (so I guess it doesnt matter if they get away then) but it will be strong. Well I disabled well over fifty ships....Zidagars, Merchant Aradas, All manner of Miranu freighters and couriers, UE Freight Courriers and laziras and not a single one had any crystals on it.
I even disabled "Matt Burch" and that ship had nothing on it at all!
Just what am I doing wrong? What am I looking for? This is getting futile now!


Do you have EV edit? If not get it. Rather than pissing about, use EV edit to make a plug that changes the mission to a simple cargo delivery one. I do this too often for my own good. OR use EV edit to find out whats going wrong, where you are might be wrong. I have done this mission a thousand (well, 5 actually) times and it never went wrong. Maybe re-instal EVO.

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

I dont have EV Edit and Im not sure that I would be able to use it if I did.
If I were to get hold of it, would the modifications you describe be easily carried out? Im loathe to cheat at it tho!
If this means that I have to download EVO again just to re-install it, then I wont bother. I think I may just put it aside until EV3 comes out now.
Thanks anyway, but Im totally fed up now!


I just tried again, for the fifth time now and still no ƒ@@!ing crystals. Could you explain what I have to do with EVEdit to sort this out?
This is my last plea!


Well, open the Mîsn set and go to, um... i think it's called aquire aligned crystals, or whatever the mission is called, look at the thing, um, aux ships? No the other one bottom left hand corner to see where they jump in, try changing this if it is where you are, maybe nothing works. So put all the ships to Ignored and make it a pickup at veltes, take to xarnes. Thats about it i think. Try just checking first, because cheating takes the fun out of the game, i only do this on hard boring plugs.

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

I Downloaded EVEdit and took a look at the info...the crystals are on a zidagar ship.
No wonder I couldnt find em!! I was just picking off or avoiding Zids and concentrating on Traders (mind you, this could have something to do with following Xaviers advice!!).
Got the crystals first time.
Thanks for your patience with me on this one.
Onwards and Upwards!


Désolé, j'ai dű confondre :puzzled:. Toutes mes excuses :redface: Vraiment.
Sorry, I guess I got mixed up :puzzled:. I apologize :redface: Deeply.

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.