Frozen Heart: Jasta Hela

Dont crucify me if i mispelled the lady's name, but i cant figure out where to find her after i take her to the hospital in that Turkish place. does anybody know where she is?? also, is there an in-game translator that will allow me to understan what the heck the rigel guys are sayin?

S.S. Huge Whoopass over and out.

If I remember right, she is on a planet that has just seen the ravages of a civil war


The Rigellians speak French. Your only hope is to learn French. Same with the Turks on Yeni Istanbul, and the Flemish on New Brussels. But if memory serves, Jasta Hela disappears from the game after you take her to Yeni Istanbul. Alba is the place where you took her first, and possibly where she might be.


dude, if she disappears that would be so freakin gay. i mean a captured woman on a vessel is exactly the type of ingition that a good string of stories needs. also, i checked back on alba, and she isnt there

S.S. Huge Whoopass over and out.

This is where "Femme Fatale" came from...

"It's not the years, it's the mileage..." ---Indiana Jones

So, after you rescue Jasta Hela and destroy the Black Hole in the Frozen Heart, is that the end of the game? Does this mean I can go on to Femme Fatale if I got the Rigelian chick to dig me?


To TheDude

Yeah I think after you have blown up the black hole the story is over. When I tried to go around looking for some work/interesting missions I got ĄZipĄ.

I'd start the Femme Fatal plug.

"Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds" - Plato

P.S. for your plain EVO enjoyment I would GREATLY recomend MAGMA 2.0

Download Femme Fatale to learn more on Jasta won't regret it.


Thats Bozorg again isn't it? I thought you left, i was celebratin. Yeah Femme Fatale is a much better plug, it's less serious but still really intruiging

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

And another thing:

Enchanté = Enchanted, kind of like, pleased to meet you except... i dunno.

Yeni = New ie new istanbul

For all the other french ****e ask Xavier, he does all his posts in french then english.

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Le seul dont je me souvienne lŕ comme ça, c'est New Brussels. It says in flemish and french Welcome to New Brussels. Mais bon, vous le saviez déjŕ 😉

The only one I remember right now is New Brussels. It says in flemish and french Welcome to New Brussels. I know you had this one figured out 😉

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.