Help EVO Frozen Heart Sack Venus

I've been messing around with this Sack Venus mission long enough. I am not getting any new missions, and I would like to know what the solution is for this one so I will know if I need to start over from a backed up pilot, or abort the mission.



Je crois me souvenir qu'il faut dominer La Nouvelle Vénus
I think to remember you've got to dominate New Venus

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.

Thanks, I was afraid of that. I've been trying, but my combat rating must not be high enough. I'll spend a few hours destroying some pirates and see if New venus will send out it's defence fleet then. Thanks again.


Sack New Venus is a long mission, but not difficult if you can handle the tachyonic fighter well. Demand tribute from the planet, and use your speed to outmanuver the fighters and other reasonably fast ships that come your way. New Venus will also send out gun platforms, but don't worry about those yet. Keep destroying the ships coming at you (mind that you dodge those missiles, the tach fighter is fast for a reason!). When (if) its all gun platforms facing you, move in toward them and circle them QUICKLY (so you can keep ahead of their fire), firing your lasers. If this is difficult for you to do, approach from an angle and hold down the auto-pilot key so you circle with little effort. The platforms won't last long if you keep up a sustained assault.

Mind you, if you take some hits, BACK OFF and let your shields recharge (it doesn't take long with the tach fighter), then attack again. The fighter can regenerate shielding much faster than most ships you will encounter in FH, take advantage of that when you need to.

Fight a smart battle, and the mission is a cinch.



To UE Crusader. Thanks for the hints. Once I got the combat rating up I did not have any trouble dominating New Venus. In the Docs for the plug in it says to avoid blowing things up to "keep your good name". I guess I took it a little to seriously, I had to increase my combat rating four levels before new venus would send out its defence fleet.

There is a trick I use to ease the domination of planets. If a massive weapon exists, mines, implosion missles etc. Wait until the area around the planet is clear of objects, line up on it, fire, and just as the weapon reaches the planet hail it and demand tribute. The defence fleet will appear right on top of the weapon. It can really cut down on the resistance.

Thanks again,


My pleasure to help Redherb, I'm glad my advice was helpful to you. 🙂

The advice in the FH docs about not blowing things up when you need to is great advice, you are not remiss in following it. The only exception to the rule is Pirates, by blowing them up consistenly you make people quite happy with you (except for the Pirates of course, but that hardly matters since you can easily bribe their bases when you want to). Its also quite profitable to plunder Pirate ships as well. Its always ok to attack Pirates, thats what I always did to raise my combat rating in FH.

Good luck playing the rest of the haven't seen the best of it yet.....

