Marines mission?

Having just brought the sluggish Voinians to their armoured knees and completed the UE central objective, Ive been looking around to get this new Marines Mission Ive been hearing about. This is supposed to make a marines outfit available after completion. No luck tho...anyone know where it starts?
Now that my combat staus is ultimate, I havent found that the AI in 1.0.2 is terribly harder. Its definitely more challenging, but ive not been killed once yet!
One thing Ive noticed tho, is that Cresent Warships seem to have a much longer range to their guns. Its very hard for my Lazira to get in under that fire and do the damage. Are these longer range guns one of the 1.0.2 improvements, or did I just not notice before?


The marines mission is the one where you take gualon station isn't it?

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Well, the gualon station mission gives you a temporary marine outfit, but I have heard that 1.0.2 offered a new mission which meant that you could buy these marines again. This lets you increase your chances of capturing larger ships, apparently.
It may well be a rumour though....
Anyone know?


Yes there is a marine outfit. You automaticly get it once you complete the Gualon mission. Remember when it says the marines left some equipment behind which could come in handy? Well check your ship out and you'll find a new outfit called Marines.



Hi Dragon,
Yes, I did get that message from the marines mission, but I havent got marines (or their gear) listed in the extras of my ship any more. Perhaps its a bug. Aah well, I thought there was a little 'extra' string that had been added to make the marines available as an outfit you could buy.
One thing I noticed... I just finished the' disperse renegade fleet mission' (as part of the NPD string), and instead of being paid for my services, I got money taken off me! The cheek of it! I might add that I completed it successfully.


Oui, mais tu dois ętre l'heureux possesseur d'un ".". C'est sous cette forme qu'apparaissent mes marines 🆒

Yeap, but you must be the proud owner of a ".". This is the form my marines appear in my extras list 🆒

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.

you are right. I have a "a." as well. I did wonder about that! Well thats it then.
One thing tho...will I keep hold of my "a." if I change ship?
Thanks for all your replies, everyone.


Oui, tu gardera ton splendide "." en changeant de vaisseau, en tout cas, moi, oui (quelques vętements, ça n'est pas bien lourd :))
Yes, you'll keep your splendid "." when you'll change ship, at least, I did (a few clothes don't weight a lot :)).

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.


Originally posted by Rob:
**I have a "a." as well. I did wonder about that!


Well it's not the marines :frown:. That shows up all the time. After you buy one outfit, that shows up. Even at the begginig of the game. Just thought I would straighten that out.

Feel the Jive
I'm not as think
as you stupid I am.

Ah bon, j'avais pas remarqué. En tout cas, aprčs avoir capturé Station Gualon, męme s'il n'apparaissent pas dans les équipements, les Marines doivent ętre lŕ, parce que mes chances de capture augmentent sérieusement. Et vu que je suis plutôt du genre ŕ utiliser l'artillerie lourde, genre un croiseur UE, je peux ŕ peu prčs tout capturer sans problčme maintenant, alors qu'avant c'était plus compliqué. Un conseil quand męme, attention ŕ ne pas avoir trop d'escortes trop fortes. J'ai actuellement 3 Igazras, deux Vaisseaux de guerre Azdara et un Croiseur Voinian, je n'ai męme pas le temps de repérer mes ennemis dans un systčme avant qu'ils soit détruits. J'ai croisé recemment le Disco Bison, il a tenu moins de 30 secondes. Ça gŕche un peu le jeu 😉

Sorry, I hadn't noticed. Anyhow, after you captured Gualon Station, even if they don't appear in the outfits, the Marines must be there, because my capture chances have gone up quite a bit. And as I'm rather the heavy type of guy, like flying a UE Cruiser, I can nearly capture everything now, while it was harder before. Just an advice. Don't capture to many strong escorts. I actually have 3 Igazras, 2 Azdara Warships and a Voinian cruiser, and when I enter a system, I don't even have time to notice the baddies before they get destroyed. Recently, I cruised the Disco Bison, he was down in less than 30 seconds. Kind of spoil the game 😉

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.

Disco Bison? What the hell?

Early to rise, Early to bed, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and dead


Originally posted by Jive 320:
**Well it's not the marines:frown:. That shows up all the time. After you buy one outfit, that shows up. Even at the begginig of the game. Just thought I would straighten that out.


That doesn't happen to me! But, it should say "marine equipment" there, not just a ".", or whatever... or so the resources say.

Better watch your back, cause I'm comin with my FLAK! ~Unreal Tournament

Holds Grudges-On