Request for new plugins

Would it be possible to write a plugin that scrambles the goods traded on each planet/station with each new pilot file? Obviously goods required for a mission would need to be left intact or reassigned. A plug like this would force you to go exploring every time you started a new pilot file.

Would it be possible to get a plugin for the original EV where the missile jammer acutally works?


To the first question: No. Its not possible. Plugs can only create and expand the game, they can't touch the game engine.

To the other: It DOES work. The missiles tracking on to you turn much slower. Its not supposed to keep them from locking on, but to keep them from being a bitch to dodge.

"Do or do not. There is no try."

(QUOTE)Originally posted by waynew:
(B)Would it be possible to write a plugin that scrambles the goods traded on each planet/station with each new pilot file? Obviously goods required for a mission would need to be left intact or reassigned. A plug like this would force you to go exploring every time you started a new pilot file.

Would this be possible in the EV3 game?
