Underground passages...

I have explored all the tunnel entrances except for the one northwest of the learning tree {south of the northern territories} Is there some secret passage to get in there?
Just wondering...

also aswell


Theres the:
Fantrima tunnel
Berglum tunnel
Gwyden camp tunnel
Bernath tunnel
Witch finger tunnel
Learning tree tunnel
Northern Terr. tunnel
Wyrms Valley tunnel
Cyclops coast tunnel
Plains of endless wind tunnel
South coast tunnel
North Gidolan tunnel

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'


Originally posted by also aswell:
**I have explored all the tunnel entrances except for the one northwest of the learning tree {south of the northern territories} Is there some secret passage to get in there?
Just wondering...

also aswell

Are you perhaps refering to the Guyden Camp tunnel? This can be found, one screen south and to the east of the screen, of the wooden bridge you help to be finished by getting the quest to kill the oakwasps.


It is also one screen west of the Gwyden camp.



Originally posted by Mac12:
**It is also one screen west of the Gwyden camp.


from the camp its one north and one west

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'