Newbies' Questions

I think you have to go to a system like pozdaq, a the tip of the crescent, to get the Zidagar missions. You need either a noteworthy or excellent combat rating, and you must not have done any other of the strands missions. The benefits, are that your side almost always wins. The downside is, that the Phase-Beam is a waste on capital ships, and drains fuel to quickly.

"Not an Electric Sausage" Marvin

"Happiness is a warm gun"-John Lennon

I am a proud member of Dogbert's New Ruling Class

I have a question. I'm not a newbie to the game, but I am not really familiar with plug-ins, websites, et cetera. Anyway, my question is : What is the 'Nova Conspiracy' ? I heard it mentioned on one of the boards and no one will tell me what it is. Also : What is the 'Nova' scenario ? I heard that is going to be the EV3 scenario.

"All will bow before the Icelandic Emperor."

"Join the Icelandic Coalition -- or be killed!" Someone should understand that.


Originally posted by Gavin-Hardy:
**Not really need to make another post about newbies' questions when Jive already has done. Nothing was offensive, I was just pointing out that there is no real need for this post, as it is pretty much a replica of the other one. When I was a newbie, I needed not ask many questions. I bought EV after the first 2 or so months it was out, and EVO, well, I was proably first customer. I didn't need to ask questions. But so what if you have to keep on sending 'post after post'? Just do it. It won't harm anyone. But I suppose it is a good idea, this, but we have one already. Perhaps if you made one for EV Developers corner, something like 'Res-Edit for nebies' or something, or even on the B &B;, where there are some newbies that hang around there only. Not 2 in one board though. But still, I didn't mean to say anything bad, I just have a nack of pointing things out. 🙂

You probably are right Gav, this post was most likely a bad idea. It didn't work but I was mostly trying to get myself known and help out where I could. Oh well...thanks for the thoughts though.


Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

What do you call it if a blonde dyes her hair brown?
Artificial Intelligence

Some people need to wash their gene pool

A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!

i asked the Sol system for a tribute. every fighter in the system coms flying at me...ok..i kick all there *****. nothing left. and sol still wont seem to give into this the way to capture planets or no?

(This message has been edited by Jude (edited 06-27-2000).)

what do the marines do? do they boost your crew?

Moron, you must select a planet first. You hit the communicate button and then you demand tribute. You destroy their defense fleet, and demand tribute again. Then they pay you.

"All will bow before the Icelandic Emperor."

"Join the Icelandic Coalition -- or be killed!" Someone should understand that.


Originally posted by Moron:
**i asked the Sol system for a tribute. every fighter in the system coms flying at me...ok..i kick all there *****. nothing left. and sol still wont seem to give into this the way to capture planets or no?

(This message has been edited by Jude (edited 06-27-2000).)**

When you register on these boards, how about picking a better name? 😉


When you finish the Hinwar missions in 1.0.2, you get an outfit called marine gear or something. This outfit adds two hundred people to your crew.

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

Some people need to wash their gene pool

A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!


Originally posted by Ubermann:
**When you finish the Hinwar missions in 1.0.2, you get an outfit called marine gear or something. This outfit adds two hundred people to your crew.


where do ye get it??

Hail Odin,
where he gose victory and
glory follow. The old
gods are not dead and are
regaining rightful
places!! Hail the old Hail the new and hail the futur.


Originally posted by Adolf the Viking:
**where do ye get it??


It is incoporated into your ship after you destroy the huge fleet in Gualon(I think). Mind you, I do not have 1.0.2 so I am going on what others have told me.

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

Some people need to wash their gene pool

A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!

when you go to the second planet in the set of hinwar missions it states you must find some merc's or forces to revolt the two voinian planets...

where the *@#% do you find them?

Outpost Gamma

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.

Thanks for your help!


How far into the Azdgari missions do you have to get before they will sell you their outfits? I have an Azdara, and it was fine for human renegades (ie Huron string), but for the north tip, I NEED a shield generator.


Il faut finir les missions dans la pointe nord, créer une nouvelle base au milieu du Croissant, puis l'évacuer aprčs avoir ECHOUÉ une mission oů l'on te dit d'attraper un photographe Zidagar (ce qui n'est pas si facile que ça ;)). Ensuite, il faut aller sur Xarnes (ou une autre des trois plančtes d'Azdagri, je ne suis plus sűr, mais c'est celle oů sont les scientifiques), et lŕ, on te proposera les missions qui te permettront d'avoir un générateur de bouclier. Bon courage 😄

You've got to finish the missions in the North Point, create a new base in the middle of the Crescent, then evacuate it after FAILING a mission were you're told to catch a Zidagar photograph (which is not that easy ;)). Then, you must go on Xarnes (or one other of the three planets of Azdagri, I'm not that sure which one, well, the scientist one), and there, you'll be offered the misions which will give you the shield generator. Good luck 😄

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.

(Sorry, I don't have my password with me)

Xavier, Is that the experimental shield generator? I'm trying to get the regular shield generator. The data files say that they start selling it to me at the same time as the Azdara bay and the Azdgari upgrade (additional RCS upgrade) These all require mission bit 10, but I couldn't find the mission that sets it.

Oh, désolé 😕 Dans ce cas, tu ne le trouvera que sur Xarnes, et tu peux l'acheter dčs que tu as fini la premičre mission, celle qui commence ŕ la station de la Pointe Sud. C'est celle lŕ qui enclenche le 10.

Oops, sorry 😕 Then, you can only buy it on Xarnes (I think), and you can buy it as soon as you've completed the first mission, the one which starts on South Tip Station. This is mission bit 10.

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.

I've been to Xarnes and Veltes, and they won't sell me any of their stuff. The first mission only set bit 148. Is this maybe a bug in the 1.02 data files? Anyway, if you are fairly sure that I am supposed to be able to buy this stuff already, I can just change the files.


Ce n'est pas un bug d'1.0.2, j'ai pu l'acheter pour un de mes pilotes une fois (je préfčre les Igadzras, personnellement). Mais lŕ, je ne suis plus sűr de ce que j'ai dit, mieux vaut ne pas modifier les fichiers.

It's not a 1.0.2 bug. I was able to buy it for one of my pilots once (I like the Igadzras best, so usually play with them). But there, I'm not sure anymore of what I said, so don't mix up with the file yet.

Stupid, stupid voinian creatures.

I have a question-
I donwloaded the Captains of Freeport plug and it mentions a mission series which precedes the plug-in, peace talks between the rennegades and some planet.
Coul dyou give me details, and how to get the missions?

I'm back, my has the board changed. All newbies.