Newbies' Questions

Okay, this is for all of those newbies. If you have question you think is silly and/or dumb, this is where you post it without retrubution(hopefully). Fire away!

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

What do you call it if a blonde dyes her hair brown?
Artificial Intelligence

(This message has been edited by Ubermann (edited 06-21-2000).)

None of them think that the questions are silly or dumb, even though many others think they are.

How do I get the Miranu Gunboat Mission String?

"Not an Electric Sausage" Marvin

"Happiness is a warm gun"-John Lennon

I am a proud member of Dogbert's New Ruling Class


Originally posted by forge:
None of them think that the questions are silly or dumb, even though many others think they are.

Let me rephrase that, many would be not like to post questions that they think might be silly or dumb. Very simple questions are made fun of most places they post.

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

What do you call it if a blonde dyes her hair brown?
Artificial Intelligence


Originally posted by Jack:
**How do I get the Miranu Gunboat Mission String?

First blast renegades in the Zachit systems until you have a good combat rating and a good rating with the Zacha themselves. Then get the recruiting missions(I assume you already got these...right?) and finish them. After that hang around Zachit Station(or whatever it's called) and they should eventually give you the mission. Tell me if that helps.

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

What do you call it if a blonde dyes her hair brown?
Artificial Intelligence


Originally posted by Ubermann:
**Okay, this is for all of those newbies. If you have question you think is silly and/or dumb, this is where you post it without retrubution(hopefully). Fire away!


coughcough RIPOFF coughcough

Feel the Jive
(Insert cool quote here)


Originally posted by Jive 320:
**coughcough RIPOFF coughcough


Nahh, I just handle the newbies, you got everyone else. πŸ˜›

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

What do you call it if a blonde dyes her hair brown?
Artificial Intelligence

(This message has been edited by Ubermann (edited 06-22-2000).)


Originally posted by Jive 320:
**coughcough RIPOFF coughcough


Need some cough syrup Jive??? πŸ˜‰

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

What do you call it if a blonde dyes her hair brown?
Artificial Intelligence

Alright fine. You got the newbies (stifledlaugh) and I got everyone else :). However, I will stop by every once and a while to help out :).

Feel the Jive
(Insert cool quote here)

Well, so far one question on this thread. I question the wisdom of setting up a topic in which those submitting questions must admit to being newbies in order to go in.

On the other hand, I question the wisdom of the "_____ for Dummies" series of books for the same reason, and yet they seem to sell like hotcakes. Go figure...

Everything is catching, yes, everything is catching on fire.

I have am an Role Model, have an ultimate combat rating, and have shot renegades in the Zachit System for a month. I still can't get any missions. ARRGH!!! :mad:

Aries Rising Record Group Holdings

"Not an Electric Sausage" Marvin

"Happiness is a warm gun"-John Lennon

I am a proud member of Dogbert's New Ruling Class

In response to Mr. T...I don't really care how many people respond but if it matters to you you can always help πŸ˜„ Besides, Jack's not a newbie and he posted. πŸ˜›

Jive...that's the spirit πŸ˜‰

Jack, try going to all the other Zachit worlds too, beyond that, I can't help you much. Do you have ANY Miranu worlds angry at you?

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

What do you call it if a blonde dyes her hair brown?
Artificial Intelligence

(This message has been edited by Ubermann (edited 06-22-2000).)


I am given to understand that if you have ever run drugs for the Renegades, then you will never be offered any Zachit missions. Sorry.

You also must have at least a Dangerous combat rating to get the reqruitment mission, and I think you need Deadly for the Gunboat missions.

Everything is catching, yes, everything is catching on fire.

In order to get the zatchit missions, you must have done the miranu Diplomatic Relations mission, available on Mira. You must also have a dangerous combat rating, and be an Upstanding Citizen or higher at outpost zatchit. there is a 75% chance of getting the mission.


The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

I finally got the Gunboat missions in 1.0.2. I haven't beaten them yet. I stayed up all night playing, now I am a Pillar of Society in Station Zachit.

"Not an Electric Sausage" Marvin

"Happiness is a warm gun"-John Lennon

I am a proud member of Dogbert's New Ruling Class


Originally posted by Jack:
**I finally got the Gunboat missions in 1.0.2. I haven't beaten them yet. I stayed up all night playing, now I am a Pillar of Society in Station Zachit.

Alright...way to go πŸ†’

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

What do you call it if a blonde dyes her hair brown?
Artificial Intelligence

Some people need to wash their gene pool


Originally posted by Ubermann:
**Okay, this is for all of those newbies. If you have question you think is silly and/or dumb, this is where you post it without retrubution(hopefully). Fire away!


Uberman, no offense, but you seem very interested in newbies, making posts about them with 'You are a newbie if...', and this. Who cares about board space ect.? If a newbie asks a single, easy queation, then someone will find it and post an answer to it. Done. So why make all these posts to newbies about it? HWo cares? And also, I've checked your info, and you've only posted about 50 times yourself, implying that you're a newbie also. Really, forgive me if you have been around for ages and are under a different user name or something, but really, is it nesseccery? Just let newbies ask their own questions, instead of trying to control the question activity.

Shut ya mouth and know ya role.

You shall never beat me. So there.

Δ„Gavin has entered the building!


1/8 computer nerd
1/8 fast biker
1/8 tv watcher
1/8 EVO fan
1/2 clubber and lady's man



Originally posted by Gavin-Hardy:
**Uberman, no offense, but you seem very interested in newbies, making posts about them with 'You are a newbie if...', and this. Who cares about board space ect.? If a newbie asks a single, easy queation, then someone will find it and post an answer to it. Done. So why make all these posts to newbies about it? HWo cares? And also, I've checked your info, and you've only posted about 50 times yourself, implying that you're a newbie also. Really, forgive me if you have been around for ages and are under a different user name or something, but really, is it nesseccery? Just let newbies ask their own questions, instead of trying to control the question activity.

As for who cares, I don't know, my only intent was to make it easy for people to get their questions answered. When I first came to this board, I saw no real place to get questions answered exept by writing topic after topic after topic. Jive has fixed that main problem with his Questions post which needless to say is doing quite well. I am not "very interested" in newbies, I simply do not want to make it difficult for them to get their questions aswered or "fit in". I figure if it keeps people playing the game and making more plugs and basically keeping the game alive, why not? I am a "newbie" to the board but not to the game. I have played both EV and EVO for a long time. I recently found this board and started posting, which explains my low post number. I am very sorry if anything I've posted was offensive to you or anyone else.


Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

What do you call it if a blonde dyes her hair brown?
Artificial Intelligence

Some people need to wash their gene pool

A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!

(This message has been edited by Ubermann (edited 06-23-2000).)

Where do I go to get the Zidigar missions?
What are the benefits?
Is there a plug in that gives you a super fuel tank as in EV Foundation or an outfit like the ones available in EV New Horizons that give you 4 or 8 extra jumps before you run out of fuel ( beneficial for weapons that drain fuel quickly )?



Originally posted by Ubermann:
**As for who cares, I don't know, my only intent was to make it easy for people to get their questions answered. When I first came to this board, I saw no real place to get questions answered exept by writing topic after topic after topic. Jive has fixed that main problem with his Questions post which needless to say is doing quite well. I am not "very interested" in newbies, I simply do not want to make it difficult for them to get their questions aswered or "fit in". I figure if it keeps people playing the game and making more plugs and basically keeping the game alive, why not? I am a "newbie" to the board but not to the game. I have played both EV and EVO for a long time. I recently found this board and started posting, which explains my low post number. I am very sorry if anything I've posted was offensive to you or anyone else.


Not really need to make another post about newbies' questions when Jive already has done. Nothing was offensive, I was just pointing out that there is no real need for this post, as it is pretty much a replica of the other one. When I was a newbie, I needed not ask many questions. I bought EV after the first 2 or so months it was out, and EVO, well, I was proably first customer. I didn't need to ask questions. But so what if you have to keep on sending 'post after post'? Just do it. It won't harm anyone. But I suppose it is a good idea, this, but we have one already. Perhaps if you made one for EV Developers corner, something like 'Res-Edit for nebies' or something, or even on the B&B;, where there are some newbies that hang around there only. Not 2 in one board though. But still, I didn't mean to say anything bad, I just have a nack of pointing things out. πŸ™‚

Shut ya mouth and know ya role.

You shall never beat me. So there.

Δ„Gavin has entered the building!


1/8 computer nerd
1/8 fast biker
1/8 tv watcher
1/8 EVO fan
1/2 clubber and lady's man
