Beyond Crescent help

I just finished connecting the 2 Kelmoans and I have talked with the Miranu guy on Emalgha and celebrated on earth, but know I don't know what to do. I would appreaciate some help, thanks!

How did you connect the 2 Kelmoans? I've been trying for ages.

To connect the, just kill the council vessel in the cresent kelmoan. Then go to luna in the bar to find some scientist (at least I've found him in Luna's bar).

But then you must kill this council station, and it sends our 4 adzgari warschips, each with 5 azdaras!! My UE cruiser didnt last 5 seconds!

The scientist tells you you should consider getting help, but does he mean simple escorts or to go to some world and ask for help?

Also, I am stuck in F-25, you need to find and disable this intruder in the first part of the plug (it is supposed to be around Notil, but it isn't anywhere near it, and I'll know, I've checked every damn south and east Cresent system). Anyone can please help me? There have to be someone who completed the damn plugin :-).

Yours truly,