Option request..

I know you guys are very busy with EV3, but could for the next evo patch or some unsupported hack, could you allow background processing?


Hmm and make the game as slow as a slug with bricks tied to its head? Don't think so.

Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue.

It's a little late for EV:O, I believe... but this would be nice in EV3, even if the only "background processing" was with the CD player...


Originally posted by Andrew M:
**Hmm and make the game as slow as a slug with bricks tied to its head? Don't think so.

And on my G3, that would be a very nice idea... it's so damn fast that I usual get killed before I even have a chance to get my secondary weapon fired... also, my damn missiles now go in straight lines... not useful! (esp at 500cr. a go!)


AIM: HEGildor

WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above, as apparently my cats have learned how to type.

I don't mind the slowdown, EVO is a great game with a great story, but having to stop everything else to play it is just wrong.


Background processing would be cool. They could just make a check box, "allow background processing" in the prefs.

It may never happen, but we can hope :).


Wait a minute, if background processing is what I think it is, then EV:O already has it. When I play EV:O, I normally either have a few mp3 tracks playing in the background, or a CD playing, no slow down, nothing. I am running a G3 though

Oh, I'm sorry. Did that break your concentration?
I didn't mean to do that.
Please, continue.
I believe you were saying something about "best intentions."
-Jules. Pulp Fiction

"He must have made that before he died."
- Yogi Berra (on seeing a Steve McQueen movie)

Yeah, you can play MP3s in the background. I do that too. But if I am using a playlist, every time I finish a song, I have to punch escape and go back to the main menu for a second to allow the mp3 player to go to the next song. An option to allow background processing would be nice, I agree.

"The impossible is easy; it's the unfeasible that poses a problem."

Woah... "the Necromicon" and "Chrestomanci", please explain your set-ups (version of Override, version of MacOS, mp3 players and computer type)... With my 1.0.2 Override, 8.6 MacOS, MacAMP 1.0b7, and 333 iMac, IT DOESN'T WORK

intresting, i can get music to play in the background, except it always stops at the end of the song. sombody must change that!

your freindly drug addict


Originally posted by Una:
Woah... "the Necromicon" and "Chrestomanci", please explain your set-ups (version of Override, version of MacOS, mp3 players and computer type)... With my 1.0.2 Override, 8.6 MacOS, MacAMP 1.0b7, and 333 iMac, IT DOESN'T WORK

The difference is, I don't use macAMP. Use SoundApp, my personal favorite, or LameMP3, or SoundJam Free. I have used all of those to play MP3s in the backround. They are all available from VersionTracker.

"The impossible is easy; it's the unfeasible that poses a problem."


Originally posted by DeAdBoY:
**intresting, i can get music to play in the background, except it always stops at the end of the song. sombody must change that!


That's what waitNextEvent() does. Somebody was talking about that earlier, maybe not this topic. <20 seconds later> Ah. It was on the "EV3 suggestions..." topic.

"The impossible is easy; it's the unfeasible that poses a problem."

(This message has been edited by Chrestomanci (edited 07-01-2000).)


Originally posted by Una:
Woah... "the Necromicon" and "Chrestomanci", please explain your set-ups (version of Override, version of MacOS, mp3 players and computer type)... With my 1.0.2 Override, 8.6 MacOS, MacAMP 1.0b7, and 333 iMac, IT DOESN'T WORK

I'm using Override 1.02, Mac OS 9, Audion or sometimes Quicktime Player, on a Rev. D 350 iMac.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did that break your concentration?
I didn't mean to do that.
Please, continue.
I believe you were saying something about "best intentions."
-Jules. Pulp Fiction

(This message has been edited by Chamrin (edited 07-01-2000).)