3D EV ripoff

Let's get one thing straight; EV and EVO are two of my favourite games. They are two of the best games I have ever played.

I always wondered what a 3D EV would be like (like many others) and, well, it seems someone built a new game that has many EV elements. There's combat, trading, ship upgrades etc. It's first person so you actually get to sit in the pilot's seat while you shoot everyone up.

The name of the game is Terminus and it is a huge EV ripoff that I would dearly love to play. Unfortunately, I don't have a 300 Mhz G3.

Ah well. If you play it, let me know what you think.


Heh, you think its an EV ripoff? The classic trader arcade game genre has been around for ages. EV was just another game in that series. Terminus has ripped off nothing from EV. I mean, this whole thing is like saying an LLBean T-shirt is a rip-off of a Fruit of the Loon T-shirt because they both have sleeves. Various arcade games have set a standard, and there are hundreds of clones of these floating around, whether commercial or shareware. You can find dozens of these trader games for PC's if you look on any shareware archive, new or old.

Oh, I tried the demo on my 500mhz G4 (it isn't bragging if its true, right? :D) and its graphics are fine...but there are some major control issues if you don't have a joystick. Its bloody hard to aim when the minimum amount your reticle can move seems to be 30 pixels. I tried to find some sort of sensitivity control for the keyboard, but I couldn't. I ended up having to use the mouse to do percise aiming. I couldn't use the mouse for general steering, too hard and it wasn't sensitive enough. I guess I could have kicked the sensitivity up a notch (heh, I've been watching too much Emeril), but again, too hard. It takes alot of getting used to with the realistic physics. Don't expect easy combat. Combat is simply bizarre to say the least in realistic physics. The story line seems rather corny right now...maybe it will get better. And why did they try to find the homliest people possible to be pilot pictures/people you talk with? One bloody annoying thing is that when ever you have a target selected, the lock-on hum plays, and won't stop playing. Chances are what you are targetting you don't want to kill, and if you are scanning it, docking with it, or deciding if it would be good to destroy, that lock-on beep is pretty damn annoying. Worse than the Taos hum. It would be nice if it would chirp once then stop.

The application itself seems slightly unstable at this moment in development, as well.

"Do or do not. There is no try."

(This message has been edited by Dave L (edited 06-30-2000).)