Is this cheating?

A while ago with my current pilot I got the Voinian Dreadnought mission. I was currently flying in a Freight Courier. Big, slow, weak, blue and white ship. So I'm sitting there reading the briefing about how the cloaking device has already been installed, and I'm thinking 'oh crap... I'm gonna switch out of this ship, and now I'm gonna lose my only chance at the cloaking device'. So I destroyed the Dreadnought (yes, in the FC) and worked my way up to the UE Cruiser. Now, I was sitting there thinking how badly I wanted that cloaking device, so I changed the availabilty so I could buy it in UE space for 2 million credits and bought one.

Is that cheating? 🙂


Technically, yes, because the plug-ins that do that are listed in the cheats section in the add-ons page, and the game is designed so that you either have to keep the ship or toss the cloaking device. Of course, nobody will ever know...

If you really wanted to make it not cheating you could add a mission in a plugin where you like...say escort a ship testing a new version of the production cloking device, and when done have the production start and be available. I would try except I'm not very good at proghramming plugins.

if you have to ask then....yes
