EV3 graphics engine screenshot

Wow. This is going to kick ÄSS!!!!!!! Hey andrew, a suggestion. It would be probobley be easier to see the transperency on the screen shot if it had planet or someting in the background, so we would be able to see the difference.

Confucius say: "Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot."


Originally posted by Servack:
**Wow. This is going to kick ÄSS!!!!!!! Hey andrew, a suggestion. It would be probobley be easier to see the transperency on the screen shot if it had planet or someting in the background, so we would be able to see the difference.

Yep -- but we had to leave something for next time. 😉

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.


Originally posted by andrew:
**Here's a little screenshot featuring some of the graphics from the upcoming EV3 using the new graphics engine. No release date has been announced as of yet, and these are preliminary graphics, but they do illustrate the differences between the two graphics engines well (though the transparency effect isn't immediately apparent). Here's the screenshot:


The same models were used to render the ships -- on the left side you see the models as they'd appear in EV/EVO: 8 bit system palette graphics, no transparency, no glowing thrusters/beam weapons (when active).

On the right side, you see the models as they'd appear in the new EV3 graphics engine: 16 bit color, transparent effects (the explosions, thrusters and weapons look especially cool transparent), glowing thrusters.


Hmmm, now where do I reconize that ship from.... OH YA! Andrew does this mean what I think it does? Or was it used for convience sake? If it does then I should be quiet...


Still waiting for the lawyers to shut up and the papers to be signed so I can continue testing



Originally posted by Dragon:
**Hmmm, now where do I reconize that ship from.... OH YA! Andrew does this mean what I think it does? Or was it used for convience sake? If it does then I should be quiet...


Still waiting for the lawyers to shut up and the papers to be signed so I can continue testing

Heh, I thought so. It even seemed familiar to me, too...


<-------- The information went data way -------->

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)


Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**Heh, I thought so. It even seemed familiar to me, too...

Are you a .... ...... as well? Is that where you reconize the ship from? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?




Originally posted by Dragon:
**Are you a .... ...... as well? Is that where you reconize the ship from? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


No, but I know what you are. Although I don't exactly remember that specific ship, I can recognize fairly well the work of a person if they use the same program on both, and...


<-------- The information went data way -------->

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

(This message has been edited by ShadeOfBlue (edited 06-18-2000).)

Are you two talking about what I think you are talking about? 😉

BTW: That would be a particular stellar explosion.

Confucius say: "Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot."

(This message has been edited by Servack (edited 06-18-2000).)


Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**A "No comment." and a smiley, hmmm... 🙂


Oh, enough out of you, Shade. Or do you want a Choir of your own as well? 😛 I'm sure Ambrosia's musical staff could use some new additions...

Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.

AIM: obormot345


Originally posted by Servack:
**Are you two talking about what I think you are talking about?;)

BTW: That would be a particular stellar explosion.

Boy people always are quick to make assumptions



Hmm, LightWave. This is way off-track, but SkullLeada has gotten LightWave just before he left. Just a look to the past.

Stellar explosions would be pretty damned cool!

World War 1 was fought with Machine Guns and Cannons.
World War 2 was fought with bombs and missiles.
I don't know what World War 3 will be fought with, but it will be so terrible that
World War 4 will be fought with stone clubs.

Steven Hawkings,
-A Brief History of Time

My inner conspiracy theorist is begging to be let out right now 😉

SOB: Knowing what "Blue" means in Russian, I would pipe down about this...

"We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have survived without them in Red Storm Rising." -Dan Quayle


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost



The cool thing is that even though we're using 16 bit graphics (32 bit for rendered scenes/pictures), it uses less memory for the same sprites than EV/EVO used for 8 bit graphics.

Wow! That rocks!!


BD -- Aeon Productions -- BD


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**SOB: Knowing what "Blue" means in Russian, I would pipe down about this...

*****! =P I'm not Russian, but I know what it means so shut da **** up! 🙂

<directors note>I use curse words in an offhand way, so don't be offended or think I'm trying to.</directors note>


<-------- The information went data way -------->

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

(This message has been edited by Jude (edited 06-19-2000).)


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**My inner conspiracy theorist is begging to be let out right now;)

SOB: Knowing what "Blue" means in Russian, I would pipe down about this...

Hey, you're right... I didn't think of that... And I'm the one who told Shade of this meaning in the first place... 😉

Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.

AIM: obormot345

My feature request:

Knowing that so many poeple out there really would like EV to be multiplayer, and as you are making a completely new engine, why don't you throw in multiplayer? It might be difficult, but a lot easier than making a multiplayer patch for EV:O, right?

And try to blend some of the original EVs little things into the EV3 story... that would be very nice, as that were when I got hooked

One more thing: Is the game gonna be on a CD like Farazels Wand or is it gonna be compact enough to download?

BTW, that is a beautiful ship! Wow!

"..A bug came through an open Window..."


Originally posted by AdmBlastaway:
**My feature request:

Knowing that so many poeple out there really would like EV to be multiplayer, and as you are making a completely new engine, why don't you throw in multiplayer? It might be difficult, but a lot easier than making a multiplayer patch for EV:O, right?**

No, it isn't going to happen.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.


Originally posted by AdmBlastaway:
**My feature request:

Knowing that so many poeple out there really would like EV to be multiplayer, and as you are making a completely new engine, why don't you throw in multiplayer? It might be difficult, but a lot easier than making a multiplayer patch for EV:O, right?


Hehehe, ya just "throw" it in. Uh huh, ya right man. Besides he already mentioned that something like that would have to be totally written specificly for Multiplayer, not some extra thing for single player.

No news is good news I suppose


This be kroffen.
Only how easy will it be for plugin developers to make graphics with the new engine? Will it be sort of like working with an animated bunch of Photoshop layers?

---<< Ä„ Secret Chimp ! >>---

Bean rhymes with bean... hey, that rhymes with bean! Which rhymes with bean, and that rhymes with bean...
Bean bean bean. I made a poem!



Originally posted by AdmBlastaway:

BTW, that is a beautiful ship! Wow!

Oh btw thats just a dinky little cargo ship, not nearly as awesome as some of the others....

