Renegade Turcoat:Please Respond!


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**If I were you I would buy a freight courier. They're pretty strong, especially with all the right upgrades and can hold out until you can buy the bigger ships. if I were you, I would stay south unitl you can get the UE cruiser (Not the carrier which sucks), it's an excellent ship for how much it is.

then you can head north in the Crescent and Miranu space and clean up.

Don't buy the UE fighters for your bay though, they are really ****, and after one battle you will find that you need to buy at least three more due to injuries. If you have to have fightes, work for the Adzgari (the best strand) and get an a Azdara bay. They are the best fighters, due to their immense speed and their shield recharging abilities. It does look a bit funny when you see seven or eight strand ships pouring out of a ugly UE ship (dildo ;)).


Seriously, I love UE fighters. I have to agree with Mr.T on this one. First off, you might as well use them since they weigh nothing and you can't sell the UE fighter bay. They aren't that expensive and if they are, get some more money at the proxima for defeating renegades. What's good about the UE fighters, is that they have a healthy supply of armor and shields which makes it harder to kill. Though the azdaras have a quicker shield recharging rate, they can quickly be killed by a few rockets (dipers. or reg.) or steady turret fire. UE fighters survive a lot longer. Plus the azdara bay is 180 tons. Thats a lot of space that could be used for secondary weapons and upgrades. However there is the plus that you can unload your azdaras in a short time but personally I like to stick with the UE fighters.

Feel the Jive
(Insert cool quote here)


Originally posted by Jack:
**Is it, in the Gunboat mission, to beg for mercy? I always do that when I get low on armor. Yes, I am a wuss.


Frankly, I wouldn't know for sure. I do know that the mission description tells you to destroy all the ships in the system, not drive tehm off, so I think you can't bribe them.

Everything is catching, yes, everything is catching on fire.