Renegade Turcoat:Please Respond!

I really would like to know anyones thoughts on the Turncoat!


not good you can find better ships for your money

there is my 2 cents

Pcs? I don't need no stinkin Pcs

Turncoats are sucky. Head north a little. You will find some way better alien ships w/ crescent fighters. You'll need about a million credits to get a decent ship, and arda

they suck, my favorite ship is the zachit arada


I've seen 3 UE fighters take out a turncoat before. They suck. Get more for your money. A UE fighter is better.

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Or head virtually anywhere and get a better ship for your money. Turncoats are slow, weak, and inneffective. The Kraits are worthless little pissants, and there really isn't a single good thing about these jalopies. Do not get one.

Everything is catching, yes, everything is catching on fire.

HORRID! GOD HAVE MERCY ON THE PERSON'S SOUL WHO GETS THAT! If I were you, I would go with the Igadzra, or, if you want to buy something, a Crescent Warship.


Turncoats do have one good use: They have a fairly large crew for their price.
If you only have one and a half million credits and you are a clever player,
they are pretty useful for capture-upgrading to other types of ships.

OTOH, the best ship in the game is the Arada and it costs less. 🙂

If you sell the Krait Fighter Bay, upgrade shields, engines, thrusters, weapons, and turn...The turncoat would still be good for nothing. For less money, you can get an Arada, and any decent player can kill three turncoats with one Arada

"Not an Electric Sausage" Marvin

Would someone please tell me how on earth to upgrade an Arada so it doesn't stink? I mean I'm no idiot about EVO, but I've never understood why some people's favorite ship is the arada.

- Lone "Darn, its not in the spellchecker!" Igadzra

LoneIgadzra, you've got some 80 (if memory serves...) tons of weapons space, USE IT!! I'd suggest selling the phases for swivel phases (only 1 ton more, and a lot more effective for small fast targets), buy some projectile weapons (pursuits are good against fighters, SADs against warships or other large ships) and (possibly, your choice) some turrets. You really can't go wrong with the Arada as a base ship; you can turn it into a cargo hauler, a ship for fighting fighters (say that 5 times fast!), a good anti-warship ship, just about anything. Hope this helps!

The Arada is a nice, well-rounded ship. I usually buy one about halfway through a pilot file.

Sheild and/or armor upgrades are a must. I usually also get speed upgrades. Swivel turrets good too.

However, it isn't strong enough, even with full upgrades, to deal with swarms of little buggers (Crescent fighters) that you commonly get in 1.0.2. And you can no longer out-run them, so unless you can pull some kind of newfangled Monty Python where you aren't outpacing them, I don't know how anyone plans on using the Arada for things like the Miranu Gunboat missions. I can no longer play a big-leauge pilot with an Arada, because it's impossible to do the big-leauge missions.

Everything is catching, yes, everything is catching on fire.

MisterT, you are so wrong about the Monty Python in 1.0.2. I have used it successfully against every ship except the Azara's, and then I just use Defence Systems. If you have Dispy Rockets, one Rocket will take out a crescent fighter, so as long as you have a running start... For an Arada, I have preferably, for 1.0.2,

2 Phase Swivel Cannons

2 Phase Turrets

Mass Expansion

2 Shield Enhancers

ECM system

Sensor Upgrade, Fuel Tanks, Density Scanner, IFF Decoder

Dispy Rocket Launcher with Dispy Rockets

Or, If you really want a kick-ass Heavy Fighter, and don't care about mass, get an Adzgari Upgrade, a Shiel Generator, and another Shield Enhancer.

I have used this combo to kill everything from Igazra's, to Voinian Dreadnoughts.

The only thing I can't kill is the Adzgari Warship with 6 Azdaras.

"Not an Electric Sausage" Marvin

"Happiness is like a warm gun"-John Lennon

I am a proud member of Dogbert's New Ruling Class

have you done the Gunboat missions?

Everything is catching, yes, everything is catching on fire.

If I were you I would buy a freight courier. They're pretty strong, especially with all the right upgrades and can hold out until you can buy the bigger ships. if I were you, I would stay south unitl you can get the UE cruiser (Not the carrier which sucks), it's an excellent ship for how much it is.

then you can head north in the Crescent and Miranu space and clean up.

Don't buy the UE fighters for your bay though, they are really ****, and after one battle you will find that you need to buy at least three more due to injuries. If you have to have fightes, work for the Adzgari (the best strand) and get an a Azdara bay. They are the best fighters, due to their immense speed and their shield recharging abilities. It does look a bit funny when you see seven or eight strand ships pouring out of a ugly UE ship (dildo ;)).

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I didn't mean to do that.
Please, continue.
I believe you were saying something about "best intentions."
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"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
- Dan Quayle

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- Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach

Man walks into a finish it

"He must have made that before he died."
- Yogi Berra (on seeing a Steve McQueen movie)


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**Don't buy the UE fighters for your bay though, they are really ****, and after one battle you will find that you need to buy at least three more due to injuries. If you have to have fightes, work for the Adzgari (the best strand) and get an a Azdara bay. They are the best fighters, due to their immense speed and their shield recharging abilities. It does look a bit funny when you see seven or eight strand ships pouring out of a ugly UE ship (dildo;) ).


Why not? UE fighters are only 80,00 a piece, and if attacking as a group, they can be pretty potent.

I have both, as a matter of fact, the UE fighters and Azdaras, and from my experience, it breaks down like this:

The Azdaras actually die at a faster rate, cause if they ever get into moderately heavy action, they are only two secondary weapons away from death. I remember sending them after an Igazra once, and they all died before I even got to the action.

The UE Fighters do more damage. They have more lasers per ship, therefore more damage.

However, the Azdaras launch fast and are very fast ships, so they are very good. I use them for skirmises, or just when I need a little more pressure on a single ship. But they die off really fast, so I have to be careful.

Everything is catching, yes, everything is catching on fire.

Sorry I haven't been able to reply. No, I haven't done the gunboat missions MrT, and I don't know how to get them. I have beaten, all by myself, with my special Arada, 3 Crescent Warships with their fighters

"Not an Electric Sausage" Marvin

"Happiness is like a warm gun"-John Lennon

I am a proud member of Dogbert's New Ruling Class

Go to Outpost Zachit and kill Renegades until it gets offered.

The last mission in the string requires that you take out all the ships in the system with the Rock in it. There are at least six crescent warships, all with full compliment of fighters. Even with my absurdly powerful UE cruiser and escorts, I lost two escorts, a bunch of fighters, and went down below zero for armor.

I would be surprised if you can outrun that many crescent fighters at once, and still have something left for the Warships.

Everything is catching, yes, everything is catching on fire.

Outrunning Crescent Fighters can be done (sorta) using many fuel tanks and an afterburner combined with a few thrust and engine upgrades. I get a lot of success from using a cheater plug (who says cheaters never win?). I have noticed, though, that if one buys too many Azdgari upgrades, life gets tough (especially when you are darting around the system (in your UE Cruiser) at the speed of an Azdara on crack!).

"U.E.S. Iron Fist, request permission to dock."
"Permission denied."
"Up yours, Voinian scum!"

Is it, in the Gunboat mission, to beg for mercy? I always do that when I get low on armor. Yes, I am a wuss.

"Not an Electric Sausage" Marvin

"Happiness is a warm gun"-John Lennon

I am a proud member of Dogbert's New Ruling Class