F-25 help+ Ship graphics prob

Oh Dear, lots of puzzles here.
I havent had chance to try out 1.0.2 yet, as Im trying to get thru F-25. I found the missing convoy and couldnt disable any of em, a good few times too!
Anyway, reading thru other posts, I discovered that this is not too big an issue, so Im just hanging around waiting for something to happen. Waiting, and waiting.....
So, I decide to try out a few F-25 ships. Whilst doing this I travelled back into Igadzra space (wanted me a banana escort!) and all the Iggy, Zid and Adzy ships are now Freighters.
Ive had this prob before, but this time I cant solve it. Ive trashed the prefs, re-installed EVO 1.0.0 and a few other little tricks. This time it is all to no avail, I cant get the correct ship graphics back. I believe that the 1.0.1 update fixes this prob, but I can find nowhere to Download it. Did 1.0.2 just totally negate it?
Id also like to add a few more goodies to my Bombaari Cruiser, but before I go and convert all that cargo space, I want to know how much space I need available for the missions (well, for those missions which involve carrying something). Id also like to know if I can sell off the Fighter bay as I never use the fighters anyway.
its been quite a while since I discovered that missing convoy, and Ive flown all around the new galaxy a few times, checking bars as often as I can and Im getting nothing. can anyone tell me where to pick up the thread again after the convoy 223 bit?
Sorry for the length, but Im getting fed up with the messing about now.


well I fixed the ship graphics problem with a restart. There really is no consistency to that one!
Can't anyone tell me where to go to carry on F-25 after the convoy 223 mission?
Im going to give up on it soon if I carry on floating around pointlessly like this for much longer.
Also, one other issue...will the Bombaari Cruiser be able to meet all the mission deadlines (given that it takes about 3 days for each Hyperspace jump)?
