What ever happened to Epsilon?

Does anyone know what happened to Epsilon? It appeared to be coming along nicely, and suddenly the webpage and web-board are gone...

This signiture says
nothing. Why?
Because i said so.

Epsilon is dead. The drive with all the vital code went down the tubes, and it would have been way too much work for them to re-create it from scratch I guess. Epsilon is no longer in development.



There's something I didn't know. I'll have to ask Evan about that next time I run into him.


Originally posted by UE Crusader:
Epsilon is dead. The drive with all the vital code went down the tubes, and it would have been way too much work for them to re-create it from scratch I guess. Epsilon is no longer in development.

Well, I guess all this source code and these working versions of Epsilon don't really exist, then. Hehehe.



Man, you and yourstuff seems to disapear a lot these days.

