How many British?

How many British people are there on these boards? Me, Kelly, Rob and Peter (Cartright)make 4, so who else? Are we the only ones?

My name is Gavin, and
dont you ever forget
-King and leader of athiesm

Mac Vs. Microsoft?
No competition

There is someone really Fücked up out there. i think it's me.

Slim Shady!!

Realmz&Exile; Vs. EV&EVO.; Hmmmm...

You think your better?
Break it Down! (DX-WWF)


I'm not but my best guess is that there are at least 7

And how do you know she is a witch?
-She turned me into a newt!
A newt??
-I got better.

7! i thought there was only me and gav. i've never heard of peter or rob, so i don't know. who else is there?
love kelly.

hello boyz...

I could be wrong of course but England is a pretty big country and I wouldn't be surprized if there were 7.

And how do you know she is a witch?
-She turned me into a newt!
A newt??
-I got better.

My sig is starting to get old. Any ideas for a new one?? Oh wait, I have an idea. Gav, did you just throw all your old sigs together or something?? It makes for entertained reading at least.

And how do you know she is a witch?
-She turned me into a newt!
A newt??
-I got better.

Well, if it helps, I'm scottish, but live in America. Infact, I live 30 miles (apx.) from Andrew M.

On the sig, Desert Fox, maybe some anti-iraqi propaganda (hence your name) or mabe something like "Sah-damn-hussain" - G. Bush

Thats all my thoughts.

"Do or do not. There is no try."

I am. I don't live there anymore though, but both my parents are brits.

ERA for EV:

I'm English! I live in Norwich!

Learn to understand, and there will be nothing to know.

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
- Dan Quayle

--"You guys line up alphabetically by height."
- Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach

Man walks into a finish it

Well kinda...

I'm Scottish and were better anyways cos we always kicked the English's Asses in a war. Sorry to those poor unfortunate folks out there who are English :eek:, just I am a bit of a patriot.

By the way, I don't expect any replies about Hagises and kilts as those are just stereotypes, and MOST of us don't conform to them - although there are some the poor deranged people !!!

Fae Ewan ... A fine Scotish name

Whats wrong with the Lazira.
Everyone wants big powerful ships but a smaller faster ship is more fun and more challenging.

England isn't that big I mean try drving through Texas it is that big state in America right by Mexico yah know the famous one bigger then most countries on Europe

Anyways I am from Texas (the best place to live) Not europe


Peter Cartwright, by the way, designed the scenario for EVO. Thanks to him, we've got Russian representation in the game!

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345


It is only a scratch
-I cut off your arm!!
No you didn't


Originally posted by Dave Lesovoy:
**Well, if it helps, I'm scottish, but live in America. Infact, I live 30 miles (apx.) from Andrew M.

On the sig, Desert Fox, maybe some anti-iraqi propaganda (hence your name) or mabe something like "Sah-damn-hussain" - G. Bush

Thats all my thoughts.

Its a good idea and would probably make sense but I'd rather stay away from that subject. Desert Fox comes from WWII German General Erwin Rommel. I just liked the name.

It is only a scratch
-I cut off your arm!!
No you didn't

I am from Canada. I live in the city of Edmonton. Find it on a map, see how far north it is, and be surprised that about 850,000 people live there.

Let me tell you something about Canada.

It used to be a British colony. Fine, so did the U.S. But our bloody revolution failed, so we settled for a wimpy release from britain years later. Now, 130 years after we became a country, the QUEEN IS STILL HEAD OF STATE!!! We are officially nothing more than a colony!!! We didn't even get our own flag until 1960. This tie to Britain is a useless artifact, but no one cares!! No Canadian politician wants to do anything about it!!! At least in Australia they want to leave the Commonwealth!!!

Did I say I'm from Canada? Canada doesn't exist. I'm from "Britain."

Formerly COpperman - #29 on the Periodic Table



Originally posted by Sierra:
**I am from Canada. I live in the city of Edmonton. Find it on a map, see how far north it is, and be surprised that about 850,000 people live there.

Let me tell you something about Canada.

It used to be a British colony. Fine, so did the U.S. But our bloody revolution failed, so we settled for a wimpy release from britain years later. Now, 130 years after we became a country, the QUEEN IS STILL HEAD OF STATE!!! We are officially nothing more than a colony!!! We didn't even get our own flag until 1960. This tie to Britain is a useless artifact, but no one cares!! No Canadian politician wants to do anything about it!!! At least in Australia they want to leave the Commonwealth!!!

Did I say I'm from Canada? Canada doesn't exist. I'm from "Britain."

If you became fully independent from Britain your economy would fail and you would lead a life similar to that of Russia today. 😛

Shut ya mouth and know ya role.

You shall never beat me. So there.

I'm a geezer see, bit tasty, bit mad, bit whurr, bit yeah. Y'know.


Originally posted by Gavin-Hardy:
**If you became fully independent from Britain your economy would fail and you would lead a life similar to that of Russia today.:p

Canada as bad as Russia? Hah! It'll never happen. It takes skill to mess up a country as badly as Russia is messed up. It takes patented Russian inability to do anything right. No offense to any Russians. (Are there any except me (who doesn't count) and Slav?)

Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.

AIM: obormot345