gualon station???

hey all im having a problem with the mission u get to capture gualon station,i dropped off this dude and it told me i had to capture so i did and nothing me news board people,you're my only hope.

Abort the mission and re-take it, and using proper grammer may help as well. 🙂

My faviroute quotes from Shadow Warrior:

Fortune cookie sais:

Baseball is wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk.

Your chi attracts many chicks

Man who stand on toilet high on pot

Try to get along better. Be a nice man.

You never going to score.

You have to destroy every single voinian ship in space before you land, else it won't work. Quite hard to think at the same time, d'Erlon has 5 or 6 carriers to capture Ylynn outpost where there doesn't seem to be more than 2-3 frigates


I had the same kind of problem... I think it might have been because I captured a Voinan fighter instead of destroying it. Does anybody know of a pilot file editor or some other way to un-complete a mission?


No, it isn't that. if the marines dissapear, then it simply means there is a bug. To 'un-complete' the mission simply abort it and try again.

Shut ya mouth and know ya role.

You shall never beat me. So there.

I'm a geezer see, bit tasty, bit mad, bit whurr, bit yeah. Y'know.