Flak Plug 1.0.3 w/ Ares Flak!

You heard me right. Exploding submunitions and all. Its been released, and as soon as the moderators get finished screening it and messing with some cgi scripts to get it on the front page (or whatever it is they do), you can get it. My kudos to Servack for pointing out that there is a start at initial frame weapon flag for animated weapon sprites.

DeAdBoY, I expect my 700 million in US funds soon. I have witnesses.


"Do or do not. There is no try."

Yeah I just released it, I think your graphics are a little too big, maybe you should have cut the size of the flak in half. Its kind of big.

Oh and you can thank me for the idea of "start on first frame flag" 😉

Also, you have the old template pasted into your plug, was this intended to stop people from messing with it?


Only to stop the casual plug-in designer. Anyone who is serious about plugs can figure out how to remove it. And they are welcome to see how I did it and do it themselves.

Are the graphics lagging people? I have a G4 and its hard to tell. I had to sell my 2 slower to afford it, so I have no idea how things run on older macs.

"Do or do not. There is no try."


My kudos to Servack for pointing out that there is a start at initial frame weapon flag for animated weapon sprites.

YEAH!!!! You betta recognise! 😄

Confucius say: "Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot."

(This message has been edited by Servack (edited 06-16-2000).)