Advice needed for an aspiring Pirate

Since I need to start a new pilot with EVO 1.0.2, I've decided to try my hand at pirating. Any advice?
What sort of ship is best?
When I board a ship and take cargo (I've never done this), how do I convert it into cash? Do I have to sell it somewhere, or is it automatic? Do the boarded ships carry missions I can take?
Are pirates welcome at the renegade worlds and friendly with other pirate ships, or is it "no honor among theives" and would I be attacked everywhere I go?
Also, is it apparent to governments and other ships right away that I am a pirate, or can I appear to be some other kind of ship (a trader or warship) until I actually attack?
Thanks for your help.


Ship that's best: Try a ship with good weaponry, shields, and a decent to large cargo bay for the plunder you'll get. A Crescent Warship would be good, or a Voinian Cruiser if you want brute force.

When you board a ship you get a window popping up. This window tells you what the ship has that you can take. Generally, money, cargo, and fuel are available for you to take, sometimes ammo is available if you have a weapon that can use it. Each time you successfully plunder something from a ship though, the chance increases that you'll set off it's self-destruct timer and then it'll blow up. Don't worry, this won't hurt you... much.

Generally I'd plunder the credits from a ship first since they'll be worth the most, then the cargo. Cargo that you've plundered can be sold at any spaceport that trades in that cargo type. You can sell this plunder in the Commodities Exchange.

That's all I can answer for now, wrist cramp.

One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.

Time is visible in all places.

Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.

In this world, a second is a second is a second.

Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

Time is an infinite ruler.

Time is absolute.


Originally posted by Clare:
**Since I need to start a new pilot with EVO 1.0.2, I've decided to try my hand at pirating. Any advice?
What sort of ship is best?

Something FAST. One thing about being a pirate is that EVERYONE will hate you. Be sure you can outrun them. The Azadara is a good idea, and the Arada is decent. Be sure you can also pack some punch.
Of course, the other option is to have overwhelming force. To me, this means a fully loaded UE Cruiser with six big escorts. However, to get this you have to do a lot of missions for UE, which is distinctly un-pirate like. The Azadari on the other hand, are almost pirates to start with, it's just that they only take stuff from the Igazdra and the Zidagar.


Originally posted by Clare:
When I board a ship and take cargo (I've never done this), how do I convert it into cash? Do I have to sell it somewhere, or is it automatic? Do the boarded ships carry missions I can take?

Ok, for starters, the cargo can be sold at any place you land that carries the commodity (in the commodity exchange section). Generally, it's more profitable to take the credits, though, and often times the ship will explode if you take more than one thing from it (doesn't hurt you, just that you can't take anything more).
As for missions, no. You have to get those on your own.


Originally posted by Clare:
**Are pirates welcome at the renegade worlds and friendly with other pirate ships, or is it "no honor among theives" and would I be attacked everywhere I go?

Hmm, I can't say I know the answer to this question. Someone else?


Originally posted by Clare:
** Also, is it apparent to governments and other ships right away that I am a pirate, or can I appear to be some other kind of ship (a trader or warship) until I actually attack?

No. Every government keeps an independent legal status of you, based on your activities. If you start disabling their ships and taking their stuff, they get mad at you. Do it long enough, and you'll probably never see a ship from their government that doesn't try to blow your brains out.
However, there are some things you can do about this. Firstly, if you are just starting out attacking their ships, they probably won't come after you right away. Even after a criminal record is attained, it takes a while before you start being the target of their hatred all the time.
That means that you can indeed sneak up on them often times. Merchant ships of any kind are always easy pickings, too, since they are never agressive. Oh, and finally, you really do need a nice ship before you start doing this. There's no way you can pull off being hated by anyone with less than about 5 million credits to spend on a ship and outfit.

Don't don't don' let's start. This is the worst part. To believe for all the world that you're my precious little girl. Don't don't don' let's start. I've got a big heart, and I don't get around how you... get around.


Originally posted by Clair:
Are pirates welcome at the renegade worlds and friendly with other pirate ships, or is it "no honor among theives" and would I be attacked everywhere I go?

Well, I am a pirate right now, and I can tell you that pirate systems do NOT accept you. If I were yiou, I'd use a crescent Warship. They are DECENT.

Peasants are chickens - My brother

Okay, I believe if you do attack the merchant vessels instead of pirates or neutral ships then they do allow you to dock and their ships don't attack you 🙂 although that might be EV, I believe it applies to EVO also, and I support Aradas, they are good for just about everything, execpt taking on large amounts of capital ships.

Blaze the Adzara!!

If you attack someones enemy you can be their friend. I did some pirating
near the UE and was well liked in pariah, yelts and freeport. I did kill a
load of UE destroyers for fun during this pilot though.


Thank you, everyone who offered advice.
Clare (url="http://"")
(for landing pics I made)


This should give you some helpful advice.

1. Get the Crescent Warship, it rocks! But remember to outfit it. Also, when you outfit your ship, take into consideration WHERE you are going to pillage. If you get phase weapons and attack the Voinians, you're gonna die. I would probably get either blaze weapons or neutron weapons.

2. The Miranu would be the easiest to pillage. They don't have much of a military, but watch out for the occasional Zidagar ship that go into Miranu systems bordering Zidagar space.

3. Once you capture some cargo, go to some planet and sell it (of course you might need to dominate it first if you can't land). It's not autonmatic.

4. You can't get missions from ships you are boarding (however in EV when you board specific Derelict ships you get a short mission).

5. Governments like the UE know exactly who you are, no matter which ship you are in. They will attack you.

I hope this advice helps you!


A smat thing to do is to be friend with the strandless, that way you are a real pirate, but you don´t do missions witch normaly would make you a semi-pirate. If you help human renegades you won´t be attacked of them(atleast not much). Cya.

If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

Before you become a UE anything, go to Saalia. I think you can get a mission that transports brandy to Gorky. I haven't tried it but I think that's how you become a renegade.

Feel the Jive
(Insert cool quote here)
