F-25 help needed (spoilers)

Couple of F-25 questions below, but I just thought Id point out to the "newbies" (there seem to be quite a lot at the mo') that the term 'spoilers' in a subject title means that the message may contain information about the game that could spoil the fun for you if you find it out too soon.
So, if you dont actually need any help with F-25, then its best not to read this message.

Ive got some way into the plug (I think), having made friends with the Bomaari and those reclusive types up in the NE area. I thought I was just supposed to fly around and try and help protect the Bomaari after that.
So, I found the Qerin and began to help them a bit. Next thing, I have to destroy a bomaari fleet.
I did this, hoping it would be a misunderstanding that would be sorted out later, but after having debriefed on the border station, nothing else has happened.
Ive even flown over to the Bomaari homeworld, thinking that I had to warn them or something.
Ive found all the planets and explored the whole new galaxy, but I have not got involved with the Xarnes or Centurians yet.
So, should I go back and try to carry on with the qerin, or keep trying to warn the bomaari?
Or maybe I need to get caught up with the other races for the story to move on?
What Im asking is...is this just one of those places where a little time needs to pass, or have I just missed the planet where I will pick up the plot again.
BTW, Im enjoying it immensely, and I have not come across a single glitch or bug at all, although you could do with looking at some of the grammar again!!



Originally posted by Rob:
**Couple of F-25 questions below, but I just thought Id point out to the "newbies" (there seem to be quite a lot at the mo') that the term 'spoilers' in a subject title means that the message may contain information about the game that could spoil the fun for you if you find it out too soon.
So, if you dont actually need any help with F-25, then its best not to read this message.

Ive got some way into the plug (I think), having made friends with the Bomaari and those reclusive types up in the NE area. I thought I was just supposed to fly around and try and help protect the Bomaari after that.
So, I found the Qerin and began to help them a bit. Next thing, I have to destroy a bomaari fleet.
I did this, hoping it would be a misunderstanding that would be sorted out later, but after having debriefed on the border station, nothing else has happened.
Ive even flown over to the Bomaari homeworld, thinking that I had to warn them or something.
Ive found all the planets and explored the whole new galaxy, but I have not got involved with the Xarnes or Centurians yet.
So, should I go back and try to carry on with the qerin, or keep trying to warn the bomaari?
Or maybe I need to get caught up with the other races for the story to move on?
What Im asking is...is this just one of those places where a little time needs to pass, or have I just missed the planet where I will pick up the plot again.
BTW, Im enjoying it immensely, and I have not come across a single glitch or bug at all, although you could do with looking at some of the grammar again!!


After you destroy the Bomaarii ships, try going back to Querin space. That certainly isn't the end; their string goes on for a good 20-30 missions, and some large changes occur. Once you've helped the Querin to a certain point, they'll send you to meet the Centurians, who then send you to the Xarnez. After this point, Xarnez missions become available a bit later on.

As for the grammar bit- I agree, the missions could use a bit of work. I've decided to rebuild my work on v.1.5 and some, by adding a few new things (in addition to fixing the bugs) to tie together the continuity better...


Cheers Bomb, I thought no one would ever answer!!
Thanks for the help. I did get a brief cargo mission from the centurians but nothing else, so I guess it will progress as you have said.
I did fly around a bit and got another mission in querin space, to find the "Convoy 223, in the great expanse" Jeez, Ive flown all around and I cant find these lovely people...any hints?
Its great that you are going to do some more work on it. Keep us posted on the developments eh!


Speaking of the Querin missions.... (spoilers ahead?)

A mission soon after destroying the Bomarii fleet is to disable and board some Kytarii refugee shuttles after destroying Defense Post II. The problem is that there are Querin ships in the system which take out the shuttles before I can even reach them! Is this mission really doable?

I am using EVO 1.0.2 if that is any help. (I'm not sure whether F-25 needs an update for this release.)

Brünhilde, you don't need to succeed this mission to be able to go on, which is a good thing, because it is purely impossible (even without the querin, this Kytarii fleet coming for you at the same time as you are to catch fleeing transports prevents you from succeeding). I never caught more than 3 of the 4 shuttles. Then I made a nervous breakdown and open the plug-in with ResEdit, ready to cheat, only to find that the FailBit was the same as the CompBit. So fail it with no remorse 😉
Bomb, I found a major bug, I think. That is, in Churb station, I got the Galactus string while beginning the Xarnes one, thought this was the Xarnes one going on, never got back to land to Churb before going back to F-25 at the end of the string. There I got proposed the emergency medical supplies delivery to expanse station, but as it look urgent, I refused it to go on to F-25, and there, I finished ending the plug (you've completed every major goal) without ending the Xarnes string, which is not really logical, is it ? 🙂


By the way, bomb, could you make it clearer when one has to go to another planet after a delivery mission (like the one from centaury to the next system, in which you don't get any landing message, don't know what to do and end up with a time limit exceeded-mission failed message :frown:



Originally posted by Rob:
**Cheers Bomb, I thought no one would ever answer!!
Thanks for the help. I did get a brief cargo mission from the centurians but nothing else, so I guess it will progress as you have said.
I did fly around a bit and got another mission in querin space, to find the "Convoy 223, in the great expanse" Jeez, Ive flown all around and I cant find these lovely people...any hints?
Its great that you are going to do some more work on it. Keep us posted on the developments eh!

Yeah, I'm also at a loss to find those Bomaarii ships... one of the very few negative points about this plug-in is that the mission descriptions (in the active missions window) are too scant and don't provide any information in case you haven't read the original mission briefing very carefully. Also, you can't just abort the mission since it'll get the whole Qerin space mad at you...

-- Cinga



Brünhilde, you don't need to succeed this mission to be able to go on, which is a good thing, because it is purely impossible (even without the querin, this Kytarii fleet coming for you at the same time as you are to catch fleeing transports prevents you from succeeding). I never caught more than 3 of the 4 shuttles. Then I made a nervous breakdown and open the plug-in with ResEdit, ready to cheat, only to find that the FailBit was the same as the CompBit. So fail it with no remorse 🙂

Boy I wish the mission description had some indication that it was failable. I must have restarted that mission two dozen times! :frown:

Thanks for the info, Xavier!

Don't tell me, I spent an evening trying to stop those potato like ships before I went in the program



Originally posted by Xavier:
**Brünhilde, you don't need to succeed this mission to be able to go on, which is a good thing, because it is purely impossible (even without the querin, this Kytarii fleet coming for you at the same time as you are to catch fleeing transports prevents you from succeeding). I never caught more than 3 of the 4 shuttles. Then I made a nervous breakdown and open the plug-in with ResEdit, ready to cheat, only to find that the FailBit was the same as the CompBit. So fail it with no remorse;)
Bomb, I found a major bug, I think. That is, in Churb station, I got the Galactus string while beginning the Xarnes one, thought this was the Xarnes one going on, never got back to land to Churb before going back to F-25 at the end of the string. There I got proposed the emergency medical supplies delivery to expanse station, but as it look urgent, I refused it to go on to F-25, and there, I finished ending the plug (you've completed every major goal) without ending the Xarnes string, which is not really logical, is it ? 🙂


A major bug? I doubt it. But in the future, I plan to re-organize and fix the various mission strings so they don't need to be done in such a sequential order, while tying them together so that they all make sense at the end. For example, v.1.5 will have two different endings, depending on who you work with (Kytarii or Querin), since if you help the Empire, the Bomaarii would be mightily pissed with you. They'll also be mad at you for blowing up their ships in the Querin string, actions you'll have to answer for.

As for finishing the Xarnez string, well, you just basically leave them hanging. The Xarnez mission string isn't required to complete the game- it's there only as a side story against the Raiders.

As for the whole descriptions bit- I couldn't agree more. Expect major changes for v.1.5 in that area, as well as a few new things I'm adding... Unfortunately, many descs are to the degree of "Destroy the Ships" giving you no clue as to where they are, who they are, and where to go when you've completed it.

Honestly, I have no idea how F-25 will work with EVO 1.0.2, since I'm yet to play it yet since getting my new computer.


Frankly, it works quite well, nevertheless my complaints.
