igrazra missions

ok, i have completed the plasma siphon mission and have access to igrarza miltary stuff and their ship, but i didn't complete a central objective. Can I go farther, and if so where do i go and what do i have to do to get this mission. i love this forum!

if shrimp are so small, why are there jumbo shrimp, hmmmmmm...

Get better status and go to Igadzra (homeworld).

helo how do i do the plasma siphon missions? and how do you get ther Igazra ship!?


Originally posted by matt072:
**ok, i have completed the plasma siphon mission and have access to igrarza miltary stuff and their ship, but i didn't complete a central objective. Can I go farther, and if so where do i go and what do i have to do to get this mission. i love this forum!

Hi if you tell me how to get an igazra and how to do the plasma siphon mission i will tell you how to do the rest!

Quote: ok, i have completed the plasma siphon mission and have access to igrarza miltary stuff and their ship, but i didn't complete a central objective. Can I go farther, and if so where do i go and what do i have to do to get this mission. i love this forum! - from matt072

Wait a bit. After a while, you'll get a mission to search for a Miranu freighter in Zidagar and Azdgari. What happens next is beyond me.


Quote: helo how do i do the plasma siphon missions? and how do you get ther Igazra ship!? - from nuffi d

You have to have a good rating and status in Igadzra space. Then, go to the Kitrak system in Miranu space, and the Igadzra mission string starts.

nuffi d and idio*, your IP addresses are exactly the same, therefore it's likely that you're the same person. Spam it not liked here. Just play the damn game; advice isn't a commodity.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
Ā— GreenYO, #ev

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 04-27-2000).)

which azdgari warship do you destroy on the plasma siphon mission !

I was stuck on this mission for a long time myself. The Azdgari warship you have to find is the A.S.S. Lazer Funk, and you can find it in the Racet system (uninhabited), a couple jumps south of Igadzra.

The Azdgari warship you have to find does not always have the same name. It's a random pick from an STR# resource.

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345


I need help on the I's missions. I have gotten a good rating on all of the Igazdra planets but still do not know where to start the mission string. I have not started and need to know where to start.


The Igadzra missions start at a miranu world that sells purple eels or something. just look through miranu space.
speaking of igazdra missions, i'm stuck. i'm supposed to raid Duidir, an uninhabited system, and it won't work. i've tried everything. i killed everything. i waited forever. does anyone know if this is a known bug or something? should i try to email the help deks or what? it's really pissing me off. i've tried aborting and then getting it again, but nothing works.
please help.

I love Macs and PCs.
Please forgive me.
Half Life Rules!

Okay, thanks now I have completed all of the missions up to the Find Miranu Freighter šŸ™‚ I found it but when I headed back to Igazdra, I accidentaly clicked through the dialouge box. I don't have any missions but I can't find another one. Please help....thanx.

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Who else...Harry


Originally posted by Ubermann:
**I need help on the I's missions. I have gotten a good rating on all of the Igazdra planets but still do not know where to start the mission string. I have not started and need to know where to start.


Okay, if you search through the other pages you should get a similar question, why don't you look around for a bit? It's on a world that's famous for it's purple eels.

Blaze the Adzara!!