Zidigar Missions + EVOPlus

I have a pilot that has been running with EVOPlus, and I can do all of the Zidigar missions up to the chemical weapon delivery. After I deliver the weapons the person that picks them up tells me to go to Outpost Terrapin. I go there, and get a Defend the System mission, and that's it. I am a Role Model, with Ultimate combat rating so that isn't the problem. Another strange thing is that I can go back to Fluor and deliver more weapons, with the same description and objectives and everything. It's pretty frustrating because I have done everything else :


You have to do the whole mission (Fluor to I forgot where to Outpost Terapin) in less than 2 weeks. That means you have to take the shorter way and you can't do it if you're flying a capital ship, except a CW, but even with this last one, it's short. Get yourself a heavily upgrade Arada just the time to do this one, and use it too do the Kirrim string, then go back to a good ship. By the way, I think you made an error joining the Zidaras. Their plasma weapon sucks, and their ECM isn't that necessary Agadzras are more fun to play, and the Igadzra's plasma siphon is the greatest secondary (the only good one, if you trust me )


My souped-up UE cruiser can do it in under 2 weeks, I take the shortest route possible and its no problem. I even get the completion message, so there must be something wrong on a deeper level.


Which completion message do you get ? If it's the one telling you you should go to Outpost Terapin urgently, then you're not done and this is where the 2 weeks problem is. If not, well, which route do you take to do it so quickly with a UE cruiser ?


It does tell me I need to go to Terrapin... I guess I'll try it with a smaller vessel.


That's it, it's a two folders mission (TrvlStel and RtrnStel) with a time limit, so you've got to do both within the time limit, and I really think a UE cruiser can't do it in due time (there are at least 4 jumps to do, plus the time you're landed), you get a time limit excedded, mission failed message when you enter in Terapin.
