Igadzra missions

I have done the first part of the Igadzra missions but am now stuck on where to go. I have the plasma siphon and I am looking for the mission where you fight a bunch of zidigar so the igadzra can blow up a planet. Thanks in advance to those who reply.


Thank you arkhangel. That web site is very helpful. One last question. All the website that I have checked say that dospect gives 500 more in armor. It does not seem as though that much armor was actually added though. In the old EV the armor number was 10 times what was shown by the ship stats when buying the ship. EG if the rebel crusier had 80 in armor it had 800 as the number is its ship file. Is it the same for EVO?


yes, EVO reads the number as the actual number times 10. so, the real armor added would only be 5 (ouch).

your freindly drug addict

oops, 50... never try to post stuff in the mornin, hehehe.

your freindly drug addict

oops, 50... never try to post stuff in the mornin, hehehe.

your freindly drug addict