Best Ship/Weapon Pair

Alright, I just checked in ResEdit:
Cargo Expansion: takes away 15 tons of free mass, adds 10 to cargo
Mass Expansion: takes away 15 tons of cargo space, adds 10 to free mass

So, say you have a ship with 50 free mass and 50 cargo:
add two m.e.'s: 70 free mass, 20 cargo
now add two c.e.'s: 40 free mass, 40 cargo

See, you just wasted 20 tons total. 😛


<-------- The information went data way -------->

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It depends on what kinda mood i'm in, some times i like fast menuverable ships, sometimes i like slow bulky ships, allthough here are some weapon-ship combinations that i like:

Civialian Ships:

3 Blaze cannons
1-3 Needle launchers
250 needle missles

Cargo Transporter:
2 Blaze cannons
1 Blaze turret

4 Sw. Phase cannons
2 phase turrets
4 Sw. Phase cannons
2 cargo expansions
4 Sw. Phase cannons
1-3 Dispersal rocket launchers
20-40 Dispersal rockets

Millatary ships:

UE Fighter:
3 Nuetron cannons
1 Phase cannon
1 needle launcher
250 needle missiles

3 Phase or Nuetron turrets
1 Nuetron cannon
Dospect armour
2-3 Dispersal rocket launchers
20-50 dispersal rockets
Misc. upgrades (Mass expansions, RCS upgrade, shield enhancers, etc..)

UE Destroyer:
3 Nuetron turrets
3 Nuetron cannons
Dospect armour
can't remember anything else
Misc. upgrades (Mass expansions, RCS upgrade, shield enhancers, etc..)

UE Cruiser:
4 Nuetron cannons
4 Nuetron turrets
2-3 dispy or regular rocket launchers + at least 15 rockets
Dospect armour
1 UE Fighter Bay
5 UE Fighters
Misc. upgrades (Mass expansions, RCS upgrade, shield enhancers, etc..)

I Also like to fit ALL of my ships with:
IFF Decoder
Density Scanner
2 Ramscoops (VERY important, if you plan on traveling alot)
and, 2 Fuel Tanks
After Burner



Originally posted by Mordon:
I Also like to fit ALL of my ships with:
IFF Decoder
Density Scanner
and, 2 Fuel Tanks


Interesting that you should call 2 Ramscoops the MOST IMPORTANT OUTFIT OF ALL. I disagree. There are three ways around these. First, when you are in friendly space, it doesn't matter; just land on the nearest planet and refuel. Second, in enemy territory, if you have a good ship, you should be able to disable enemy ships and take their fuel. I've taken long detours through Voinian space without refueling once. Finally, if you are in neutral, uninhabited space, then ask for assistance. If you are rich enough, the couple thousand credits shouldn't be too much of a burden. A couple thousand credits now and then is much cheaper than spending 80,000 and dedicating 10 tons of mass to ramscoops.

It's not like I totally disagree, though. I think that for any merchant ship, or any ship not capable of effective combat, the ramscoops are a very important if not essential accessory.

I have an Azadara now, and no ramscoop. My total available space to use is 27 tons. The various test files where I incorporated a ramscoop into the outfit, I got killed in combat, because I didn't have the equipment I needed for that. So, especially for combat ships with limited space, the ramscoop is one of the first things I yank.

Oh, and I'd like to add some things to your list of essential upgrades. I definitely agree with density scanner and IFF decoder. There are other upgrades which you didn't list which can add to your ship's capability without eating up tonnage. These are the ECM system and the Sensory Upgrade and the Needle Jammer. There are others I believe, for instance the Azadari Upgrade (if you have the money, get it. It improves your turn speed dramatically, and doesn't take any space), and the Zidagar anti-SAD thingy.

Oh, and finally, all ships should have at least some form of sheild/armor upgrades, preferrably multiple of both. Nothing is more valuable than the ability to take more punishment, because it gives you more time to dish it out.

Don't don't don' let's start. This is the worst part. To believe for all the world that you're my precious little girl. Don't don't don' let's start. I've got a big heart, and I don't get around how you... get around.


Originally posted by MisterT:
**WHAT?! Your math makes no sense whatsoever. Firstly, you say that a mass expansion takes 15 tons of cargo into mass. HOWEVER, you neglect to mention that you lose 5 tons in the process. You give 15 tons of cargo, get 10 tons of mass.

Secondly, even assuming it works like you say it does, where are you getting this figure of 10 extra tons of mass? You got 15 tons from the mass expansion, and lost 10 to the cargo bay. 15-10=5, not 10. Are you talking about using two of each? I must assume so.

The most important thing to remember is that the mass expansion and cargo bay don't allow you to "switch" mass, but rather you are expanding at greater cost from one or the other.



All I know is that I had 30 tons of cargo and now I have 20 tons. I forget the exact amount of mass but I had at least 5. ** :mad:


Sorry. Just stop nagging me about it. I did it accidentally and it worked out for the better so I wrote it down above in my description of my ship. Plus I wasn't sure if it affected the amount mass for the mods on my ship.


Feel the Jive
(Insert cool quote here)



Originally posted by Jive 320:
**All I know is that I had 30 tons of cargo and now I have 20 tons...

That's usually conisdered a bad thing. =P j/k (well more like just picking).


<-------- The information went data way -------->

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)


Originally posted by MisterT:
**Interesting that you should call 2 Ramscoops the MOST IMPORTANT OUTFIT OF ALL. I disagree. There are three ways around these. First, when you are in friendly space, it doesn't matter; just land on the nearest planet and refuel. Second, in enemy territory, if you have a good ship, you should be able to disable enemy ships and take their fuel. I've taken long detours through Voinian space without refueling once. Finally, if you are in neutral, uninhabited space, then ask for assistance. If you are rich enough, the couple thousand credits shouldn't be too much of a burden. A couple thousand credits now and then is much cheaper than spending 80,000 and dedicating 10 tons of mass to ramscoops.

It's not like I totally disagree, though. I think that for any merchant ship, or any ship not capable of effective combat, the ramscoops are a very important if not essential accessory.

I have an Azadara now, and no ramscoop. My total available space to use is 27 tons. The various test files where I incorporated a ramscoop into the outfit, I got killed in combat, because I didn't have the equipment I needed for that. So, especially for combat ships with limited space, the ramscoop is one of the first things I yank.

Oh, and I'd like to add some things to your list of essential upgrades. I definitely agree with density scanner and IFF decoder. There are other upgrades which you didn't list which can add to your ship's capability without eating up tonnage. These are the ECM system and the Sensory Upgrade and the Needle Jammer. There are others I believe, for instance the Azadari Upgrade (if you have the money, get it. It improves your turn speed dramatically, and doesn't take any space), and the Zidagar anti-SAD thingy.

Oh, and finally, all ships should have at least some form of sheild/armor upgrades, preferrably multiple of both. Nothing is more valuable than the ability to take more punishment, because it gives you more time to dish it out.


I'm going to have to disagree with ya there. I don't like to run out of fuel completely before I refuel in neutral space. Alot of times, that neutral space is home for some badies (usually renegades). Even if there is a peaceful ship in the area, if someone is hostile they won't help you. Even if you have a good ship, sometimes you can just be pumbled and pumbled by enemy ships and be destroyed. I know you could still capture some fuel from a ship but it still is better safe than sorry.

I agree with the other stuff you said though. Defense is the best. When up against a huge fleet, it's nice to have those little extras. Jamming systems are sweet. If you have both the needle jammer and ECM System, you'll be laughing it up when your oppenent isn't gettin' ya :D. Also, the ECM System works against needle missiles, and I think SAD's too. All sensor upgrades (density scanner, IFF decoder, and the sensory upgrade) are very neccesasary to determine your friends and opponents.

Thanks for hearing me out.

Feel the Jive
(Insert cool quote here)



Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**That's usually conisdered a bad thing. =P j/k (well more like just picking).


Not really. I'd rather trash some renegades in the Proxima (which by the way is a great way at making cash if you're bounty hunting or saving a colony) then travel halfway across the friggin' universe to drop some passengers off at North Tip Station.

And don't say that you said that it is usually a bad thing.

Feel the Jive
(Insert cool quote here)


Well i just edited my post, you'll notice that i took away the "MOST IMPORTANT OUTFIT OF ALL" and replaced with "VERY important, if you plan on traveling alot"

I Also added "After Burner" wich i had forgetten.


Originally posted by MisterT:
**Oh, and finally, all ships should have at least some form of sheild/armor upgrades, preferrably multiple of both. Nothing is more valuable than the ability to take more punishment, because it gives you more time to dish it out.

Personally, i can't see that the shield upgrades do ****, but if you'll look closely at most of my big ships have dospect armour, i sometimes outfit this to the Arada, but you can't sell it, and i want to keep that thing as verstile as possable.

P.S. I aggree with you on the ECM Systems, etc., and if you'll look closely at my post, you see "Misc. upgrades" on some ships, this refers to things like SENSOR upgrade, and ZIDAGAR ECM system :eek: 😛 😕 😎 :eek:


Back on the origional topic, I would say my favorite ship (the one I currently have) is a tricked out UE Cruiser (the U.E.S. Ragnarok).

Upgrades: Afterburner, IFF Decoder, Density Scanner, Thrust, Engine and RCS Upgrades, two Fuel Scoops, two Fuel Tanks, all the Jammers/ECMs, Dospect Armour, and finally, 4 shield Enhancers.

I'll have two sets of weapons, one for Voinian, and the other for the Crecent.

Anti-Voinian: 5 Blaze Turrets, 2 Hunter Missile Launchers, Tons o' Missiles,

Anti-Cresent: 5 Phase Turretd, 3 Dispy Rocket Launchers, And a lot of Rockets.

Confucius say: "Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot."

(This message has been edited by Servack (edited 06-10-2000).)


Originally posted by Mordon:
Well i just edited my post, you'll notice that i took away the "MOST IMPORTANT OUTFIT OF ALL" and replaced with "VERY important, if you plan on traveling alot"

OK, I can agree with that. Like I said, I think it's quite important, and should be added if you have the space.


Originally posted by Mordon:
Personally, i can't see that the shield upgrades do ****, but if you'll look closely at most of my big ships have dospect armour, i sometimes outfit this to the Arada, but you can't sell it, and i want to keep that thing as verstile as possable.

Hmm, I'm not sure where you got that impression. Maybe it's the kind of pilot you are, which keeps you from getting into situations where you see the benefit of the sheild upgrades. As a rhetorical argument, I'll say that in my Arada, before I added three sheild upgrades (that's as much as I could fit), I was getting wasted by renegade fleets of anything more than another Arada and a Crescent fighter (ok, that's a bit of hyperbole, but still...), and afterwards, my staying power in combat was greatly increased.

I will mention that I think the Dospect armor is better for MOST ships. For my Azadari right now, the sheild is so much better, though. This is because the sheild regeneration rate is so fast that you can just take the damage over and over again on the same sheilds, whereas armor takes a really long time to repair. Oh, and also the Azadari sheild upgrade which makes your sheilds repair faster is excellent; even more valuable than straight sheild upgrades. Of course, you can only get that on one side of the strand war, so choose carefully... 🙂

Don't don't don' let's start. This is the worst part. To believe for all the world that you're my precious little girl. Don't don't don' let's start. I've got a big heart, and I don't get around how you... get around.

Speaking of shield regenerators, I have always been very disappointed with them. If you fly any ship larger than an Arada (such as my current UE cruiser, the ITS Catharsis), you don't feel any effect whatsoever, even if you combine the experimental and the normal regenerator. That sucks. It used to suck even more during the brief but painful episode where the generators drained fuel. Ouch.

On the other hand, that absence of appreciable effect might just occur on my computer.

-- Cinga


Yeah, I'll concur with that. There's even a bit of a warning as regarding big ships in there. Probably, there's some factor in the outfit that ties the regen. rate to the sheild's mass, but I'm not sure. Someone could enlighten us about the specs. of this...

However, for small ships, especially the Azadari, it makes all the difference in the world. With it, I can get into and win a straight out firefight with any ship in the game. I regenerate sheilds faster than they can be taken down. It's actually pretty funny against renegades with blaze turrets, because unless I'm being hit by at least the combined fire of three Turncoats, there's no effect at all, other than being pushed back (physically). Heheheheh 🙂

Don't don't don' let's start. This is the worst part. To believe for all the world that you're my precious little girl. Don't don't don' let's start. I've got a big heart, and I don't get around how you... get around.

My favorite ship is the Igazra.
For starters:
afterburner, Iff decoder, auto refuel, 2 fuel scoops, thrust upgrade, Emc
UE cloak, engine upgrade, RCS upgrade, 2 fuel tanks, Den. Scan, NPD, Needle Jam
4 shield enhancers, Sensor Up., Dospect A., plasma siphon, 2 mass exp.
Bronev A. Have to work for the vionians some for this

1 :plus when fighting the cresent
5 phase turrents, 3 pursuit missle launchers, 45 p. missles

2 :plus when fighting the vionians
5 Neutron turrents, 3 needle missle launchers, 250 needle missles, I take off
1 fuel tank.

This config. is without any cheating. I use the needle missles only to take out vionian heavey fighters and intercepters and use the P siphon in close combat.
