Best Ship/Weapon Pair

What is the best ship and weapon pair. Any ship, any weapon (primary or secondary). For instance, my favorite is a adara with forward-firing phase turrets 🙂 What's yours?

Blaze the Adzara!!

My favorite (and current) combo is the Arada with hunter rockets. Speed with a resonable punch against the Voinians. Of course, to top it off you need a speed and manueverability upgrade.

It is only a scratch
-I cut off your arm!!
No you didn't

My personal favorite is a Lazira with 2 SAD launchers, w/50 SADs.

Confucius say: "Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot."

1azira? Arada? k, but n0t fast enuf. Crescent Fighter!!!!! Put 0n a11 the upgrades and 4 swive phase cann0ns.

As0, as i type this, i just thught 0f a great way 2 make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.$$

Buy a Crescent Fighter bay, but n0 fighters. (r krait bay) Disab1e Cresecent Waqrships r Turncats b4 they can aunch a11 the fighters. Capture the Fighters (under amm0) Se11 them Prbaby make sme dugh with that Bummer i cant try it, my Untrusty mac crapped ut, s i can 0n1y use my fabu10us PC!!!!!!!!!! (just trying t0 get under s0me pe0p1e's skin. 0h we11.


Man say Phillie number one American cigar, that man right!

AIM: Esvaem6 (duh)

UE Cruiser with all of the primary waepons in turrets and cannons (i love cannonsi dont know why when you buy ships later on they dont have them plus the more guns the better 🙂


I agree i like the UE cruiser. BUT having it have only 2 blaze turets, adding a phase turet, and a neutron turet. Here is my best UE cruiser loadout

2 blaze turets
a phase turet
a neutron turet
2 rocket launchers (50 rockets for good measure). If im going away from the UE-
Voinian sector i replace it with Dispy rockets.
a hunter launcher (30 hunters)
A full UE fighter bay (no use lettin it go to waste, and you cant sell it)
2 emalgha cannons
as many more neutrons as will fit
all the standard upgrades (A-burner, IFF and such, plus the needle jammer when
you get it)
1 defense pod launcher. Those things are sweet.

My other fave is the Arada.

standard stuff
Dispy rockets, 1 launcher, 20 dispies
2 swivel phase guns
1 neutron
1 blaze gun (i like its fire rate)
2 needle launchers, 50 needles.
a neutron turet
And the rest of the stuff varies from area to area

I'm a big fan of the defense system. You buy at least three, and a whole load of those little defense pod thingies. They're cheap, and pack a punch! Then, just get right on top of some ship and let loose. The reload rate is pretty fast too, so with enough of them released in large salvoes, you can take out a big ship quite fast (combined of course with turret fire).

This strategy doesn't quite work for ships which can't stand to take damage themselves. For those piloting Aradas and the like, I recommend more of a hit-and-run approach. Just fly right over the guy and let loose.

Make a hole with the gun perpendicular to the name of this town on a desktop globe. Exit wound in a foreign nation, showing the home of the one this was written for.

I prefer to max out on primaries (usually phase) 😛

"Arthur Philip Dent?" pursued the alien in a kind of efficient yap.
"," confirmed Arthur.
"Your're a jerk," repeated the alien, "a complete kneebiter."


Originally posted by MisterT:
**I'm a big fan of the defense system. You buy at least three, and a whole load of those little defense pod thingies. They're cheap, and pack a punch! Then, just get right on top of some ship and let loose. The reload rate is pretty fast too, so with enough of them released in large salvoes, you can take out a big ship quite fast (combined of course with turret fire).

This strategy doesn't quite work for ships which can't stand to take damage themselves. For those piloting Aradas and the like, I recommend more of a hit-and-run approach. Just fly right over the guy and let loose.


If you're in the crecent, yeah, but in the UE/Voinian sector, use rockets or hunters, wichever you prefer. Then you've got the best strategy in the world, especialy if you have neutron turrets.

P. S. I can kill Zidara quite quickly in my Lazira with defence pods. (heh heh heh) 😄

"I don't get involved in politics. My IQ is too high."
-VootGoo, your standard issue Dwarven Fighter I played when I was 12.
p.s. His INT was 6.

My fave (and current) combo is UE carrier with:

1 hunter missile launcher
10 hunter missiles
1 UE fighter bay
5 UE fighters
4 blaze turrets
1 ECM system

I can beat most things in that.
Smiley test: :eek :rolleyes:eek :mad:mad:eek :p:eek :mad:




the eek one has another : ending it :eek:

It is only a scratch
-I cut off your arm!!
No you didn't

Freight-courier with 3 proton (voinion) turrets. Takes out anything in a matter of seconds, and it's fast and can take about five direct rocket hits.

Learn to understand, and there will be nothing to know.

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
- Dan Quayle

--"You guys line up alphabetically by height."
- Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach

Man walks into a finish it


Originally posted by Hornet:
**My fave (and current) combo is UE carrier with:

1 hunter missile launcher
10 hunter missiles
1 UE fighter bay
5 UE fighters
4 blaze turrets
1 ECM system

I can beat most things in that.


Wow, blaze turrets?! Those things bite the big one! 😉

Seriously, though. Blaze turrets are so innacurate that you practically have to be right on top of them to hit them at all. I reccomend Neutron turrets for range, damage, etc. If you're fighting in the Crescent, the turrets they have up there are better, cause they do about the same damage to sheilds, maybe a bit more, and have a higher rate of fire (Crescent ships are heavy on sheilding, low on armor).

Particle Man, Particle Man. Doing the things that a particle can. What's he like? It's not important. Particle Man. Is he a dot, or is he a speck? When he's underwater does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead? Nobody knows. Particle Man.

If you're going to do battle with human renegades, use this unbeatable ship

UE Destroyer with:
() Dospect armor
() 3 Blaze Turrets
() 3 Needle Launchers
() 250 Needle Missiles (thats why I like needle missiles. lots o' ammo)
() 2 of those things that convert cargo to outside mass
() 2 cargo expansions
() 1 Pursuit Missile Launcher
() 15 Pursuit Missiles
() 2 Shield Enhancers
() 1 Needle Jammer
() 1 ESM System (or something)

I think that's it. It's pretty good against other things but is best against renegades :).

Feel the Jive
"My son is not a Communist! He may be a liar, a bum, a Communist, but he is not a porn-star" - Abraham Simpson


My favorite ship is a Miranu courier. Get rid of as much cargo space as possible, load it up with shield generators, get some Dospect, and load the sucker down with phase turrets/swivel phase cannons. Oh, and all the engine upgrades. That should take care of what ever you need, with speed and fuel to boot.

~Darwin, the


Originally posted by Jive 320:
() 2 of those things that convert cargo to outside mass
() 2 cargo expansions

Both mass expansions and cargo expansions? Why 😕 ??? That is stupid!

"..A bug came through an open Window..."

I believe that the cargo expanders switch 15 tons, while the mass expanders switch 10 tons (or is it the other way around?). So, to get very controlled mass/cargo space, you might have to buy multiple of each.

Here's another thing I've noticed: you can't sell either the mass or the cargo expander! I think that's pretty cheap, because if you mess up when buying a lot, you might end up with 50 mass expanders and 50 cargo expanders LOL!



Originally posted by sirchess:
**I believe that the cargo expanders switch 15 tons, while the mass expanders switch 10 tons (or is it the other way around?). So, to get very controlled mass/cargo space, you might have to buy multiple of each.

Here's another thing I've noticed: you can't sell either the mass or the cargo expander! I think that's pretty cheap, because if you mess up when buying a lot, you might end up with 50 mass expanders and 50 cargo expanders LOL!

Not really. You lose space with each expansion either way, which is why it's such a bad idea to do both. I believe that with both of them, you lose 5 tons in the transfer (15 tons cargo space=10 tons equipment space, and I'm not sure what the ratio is for the other way around). Get one or the other, but absolutely not both unless you can't avoid it (e.g. must do a mission suddenly which requires more cargo space), and at that, replace the ship ASAP and do it over so as to optimize your ship.

Don't don't don' let's start. This is the worst part. To believe for all the world that you're my precious little girl. Don't don't don' let's start. I've got a big heart, and I don't get around how you... get around.


Originally posted by AdmBlastaway:
**Both mass expansions and cargo expansions? Why😕 ??? That is stupid!


No it's not. A mass expansion takes about 15 tons of cargo into mass. Cargo expansions take about 10 tons of mass. So you get 10 extra tons of mass and still have 20 tons of cargo left :).

Feel the Jive
(Insert cool quote here)



Originally posted by Jive 320:
**No it's not. A mass expansion takes about 15 tons of cargo into mass. Cargo expansions take about 10 tons of mass. So you get 10 extra tons of mass and still have 20 tons of cargo left:).


WHAT?! Your math makes no sense whatsoever. Firstly, you say that a mass expansion takes 15 tons of cargo into mass. HOWEVER, you neglect to mention that you lose 5 tons in the process. You give 15 tons of cargo, get 10 tons of mass.

Secondly, even assuming it works like you say it does, where are you getting this figure of 10 extra tons of mass? You got 15 tons from the mass expansion, and lost 10 to the cargo bay. 15-10=5, not 10. Are you talking about using two of each? I must assume so.

The most important thing to remember is that the mass expansion and cargo bay don't allow you to "switch" mass, but rather you are expanding at greater cost from one or the other.

Don't don't don' let's start. This is the worst part. To believe for all the world that you're my precious little girl. Don't don't don' let's start. I've got a big heart, and I don't get around how you... get around.