Bombs you can shoot down

With the new features implemented in EVO 1.0.2, most notably the suicide weapon, it is now possible to make bombs you can shoot down (see post "Submunitioning Weapons").

This is accomplished by treating the bomb as a ship, and the bomb launcher as a fighter bay.

The bomb should use its AI to fly up to an enemy capital ship (or whatever you have targeted and it is locked onto), and fire its suicide gun, which should do splash damage. HEAVY splash damage. 😄

Since the bomb is in EVO terms a ship, it can be shot down. By giving it a death delay of 1, it blows up instantly.

This provides heavy hitting power, unlimited range, and good AI, with the disadvantage of it having to get past all those turets before it delivers the power.

I hope you all like my ideas. I have plenty more where this came from. Heh heh heh...


Originally posted by Mad_Bomber:
**With the new features implemented in EVO 1.0.2, most notably the suicide weapon, it is now possible to make bombs you can shoot down (see post "Submunitioning Weapons").

This is accomplished by treating the bomb as a ship, and the bomb launcher as a fighter bay.

The bomb should use its AI to fly up to an enemy capital ship (or whatever you have targeted and it is locked onto), and fire its suicide gun, which should do splash damage. HEAVY splash damage. 😄

Since the bomb is in EVO terms a ship, it can be shot down. By giving it a death delay of 1, it blows up instantly.

This provides heavy hitting power, unlimited range, and good AI, with the disadvantage of it having to get past all those turets before it delivers the power.

I hope you all like my ideas. I have plenty more where this came from. Heh heh heh...**

As far as I know, that cannot be done. I have tried to create a weapon that is actually a fighter bay. The reason it is impossible is that "invisible tractor beam" feature. In short, your fighters (the weapon's ammo) will follow you around as if attached by an invisible string. They will not properly attack the target ship.

Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.

AIM: obormot345


Originally posted by Obormot:
**As far as I know, that cannot be done. I have tried to create a weapon that is actually a fighter bay. The reason it is impossible is that "invisible tractor beam" feature. In short, your fighters (the weapon's ammo) will follow you around as if attached by an invisible string. They will not properly attack the target ship.

Yeah, but you could say it has an advanced AI that waits till it is told and if not used can be brought back. 🙂


<-------- The information went data way -------->

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Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**Yeah, but you could say it has an advanced AI that waits till it is told and if not used can be brought back.:)


No. The bug... er, feature, manifests itself even if you order your fighters to attack. That's why I never released that Mine Plugin that I promised so long ago.

Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.

AIM: obormot345

There was a bug about that? I never had that bug. EVER. Did it crop up in 1.0.1 or did it come at somed other time?

All you would have to do is order your fighter/bomb to attack. Then it flies up, homes in past asteroids, and with the new AI, the enemy ship could notice the bomb and shoot at it. This offers another balanced way of bomb-making. Which, I have noted, not many people have done....

Bombers I've noticed in EV and EVO
Confed Gunboat
Rapier (it counts)
A heavily modified Arada
Any "Gunboats" that have a "Fighter" counterpart of the same government
Anything that has the word "Bomber" in it

Who da Mad?


Originally posted by Mad_Bomber:
There was a bug about that? I never had that bug. EVER. Did it crop up in 1.0.1 or did it come at somed other time?

This bug (actually it's a feature; so says Matt Burch) has existed since EV 1.0.0 and exists still.

Brooklyn. Where the weak are killed and eaten.

AIM: obormot345