plugin request

could somebody please create a plugin that lets any ship surpass its allotted guns and turret limit? i wanna go 'round and shoot neutrons like im holdin an automatic, not some potato gun. 😄

also, is it possible for somebody to create a plugin that allows you to get more than six escorts? i need way more than six Igadzras in order to conquer the entire Igadzra section. even in my UE Cruiser with max upgrades and phase + SAD's just one Igadzra scraps me down to a sliver of armor, not nearly enough to take on 37 more of them.

i like this game

Get a Voinian Cruiser instead. It rocks in the crescent.

The way to have a good life is simple, just think these thoughts:


Also, this:

Baseball is wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk.

Max upgrades?! I'm incredulous. Here's the upgrades you need for the UE Cruiser:
All three speed upgrades
Four sheild upgrades
Dospect Armor

Other upgrades are at your discretion, depending on what you like for weapons, etc, but these four are ESSENTIAL. After the four sheild upgrades and dospect armor (especially the armor), you can last for freaking ever in a battle, almost regardless.

Particle Man, Particle Man. Doing the things that a particle can. What's he like? It's not important. Particle Man. Is he a dot, or is he a speck? When he's underwater does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead? Nobody knows. Particle Man.