
Cryptic grin... 🙂


Matt Burch

I'm presuming that EVO 1.0.2 is going to be out Monday?

"You can make something idiot proof, but someone else can make a better idiot"


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost



Originally posted by OctoberFost:

**I'm presuming that EVO 1.0.2 is going to be out Monday?


I didn't say which Monday... 🙂

Message from Chamrin:
OctoberFost, please don't be an impostor.

(This message has been edited by Chamrin (edited 05-24-2000).)

i hate his cryptic responses :mad:

I am the SuperStar Destroyer,
soon you will all feel my wrath
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

A jedi's strengh flows through
the force

luke do not underestimate the
powers of the darkside

I have acepted that you
were once Anakin Skywalker
my father

young jedi only now do
you truly understand the
powers of the darkside


Originally posted by Matt Burch:
I didn't say which Monday...:)**

Note that I am "mburch" ... anyone posting under "Matt Burch" or any other name is an impostor.


Matt Burch


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**I'm presuming that EVO 1.0.2 is going to be out Monday?


Do you really have a bee in your bonnet about 1.0.2, 'EV3', Ambrosia, mcb, andrew and ATMOS, or are you just always joking? 'Cause you say this kind of thing an awful lot and I can't quite tell.

Just curious...


Could you please reply to my topic about Mac OS X?!?! I have been wondering what the "Almighty Burch" thinks of this new OS! I am begging you here! Thie thread is located at:

I am sure you have already seen it! Thanks for replying in advance!

From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
Halo, Homeworld, and Diablo II.


Originally posted by Frandall:

**Do you really have a bee in your bonnet about 1.0.2, 'EV3', Ambrosia, mcb, andrew and ATMOS, or are you just always joking? 'Cause you say this kind of thing an awful lot and I can't quite tell.

Just curious...


Everyone is literaly WORSHIPING Matt, andrew, EVO 1.0.2, and you guys at ATMOS. The first thing Matt probably does when he wants to impress someone is take them here and show them he has a cult of worshipers. If Matt came in here right now and said "Let's send lots of junk e-mail to OctoberFost and clog up his mailbox", at least half of the people here would do it. I feel it is my duty to have a different point of view...

"You can make something idiot proof, but someone else can make a better idiot"


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost



Originally posted by mburch:
**Cryptic grin...:)

With or without custom explosion graphics? :hopeful:

-- Cinga


Um, I don't think a grin, cryptic or otherwise, has the ability to have explosion graphics of any kind... As to worshipping Matt, I imagine that must be quite annoying. "The journey is the reward", people! The programmers around here will get what I'm saying here. Now quick, where's that quote from? 😛

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**Everyone is literaly WORSHIPING Matt, andrew, EVO 1.0.2, and you guys at ATMOS. The first thing Matt probably does when he wants to impress someone is take them here and show them he has a cult of worshipers. If Matt came in here right now and said "Let's send lots of junk e-mail to OctoberFost and clog up his mailbox", at least half of the people here would do it. I feel it is my duty to have a different point of view...

Mate, I don't know about you, but I come here for business reasons and because I personally enjoy spending time talking to people here. I don't worship anyone for their efforts in the EV community, and I don't think that too many people are terribly serious when they are saying things like 'matt you are a god' and the like. I think you have confused 'worship' with 'respect' and there's nothing wrong with respecting someone. Give credit where credit is due, mcb did program the game that led to the creation of all these boards, as well as all the alternative sites. I couldn't have done what he has, so he has my respect.

Another thing, if you are going to be deliberately trying to denigrate respected people on this board, then why are you restricting yourself to only a few of the people who have been active in creating or sustaining interest in the EV community? Why don't you get stuck into Blaze? He too is trying to create interest in the EV community, and don't a fair number of people respect him for doing so? A little consistency wouldn't go astray.

When all is said and done, is such a negative attitude really that necessary?



Originally posted by Obormot:
As to worshipping Matt, I imagine that must be quite annoying.

Oh, he finds it quite annoying. I just take him as a peer. Fine, a DRUNKEN peer. Ä…)

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
— GreenYO, #ev


Originally posted by Frandall:
**Mate, I don't know about you, but I come here for business reasons and because I personally enjoy spending time talking to people here. I don't worship anyone for their efforts in the EV community, and I don't think that too many people are terribly serious when they are saying things like 'matt you are a god' and the like. I think you have confused 'worship' with 'respect' and there's nothing wrong with respecting someone. Give credit where credit is due, mcb did program the game that led to the creation of all these boards, as well as all the alternative sites. I couldn't have done what he has, so he has my respect.

Another thing, if you are going to be deliberately trying to denigrate respected people on this board, then why are you restricting yourself to only a few of the people who have been active in creating or sustaining interest in the EV community? Why don't you get stuck into Blaze? He too is trying to create interest in the EV community, and don't a fair number of people respect him for doing so? A little consistency wouldn't go astray.

When all is said and done, is such a negative attitude really that necessary?


I personaly don't worship Burch, but I respect him a great deal. Being a programer in training, seeing something like ev/evo, wich I believe to be the greatest shareware game of all time, motivates me to do even cooler things.

"I don't get involved in politics. My IQ is too high."
-VootGoo, your standard issue Dwarven Fighter I played when I was 12.
p.s. His INT was 6.

I want EVO 1.0.2 now dammit! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Sorry for all that, I just excited about it dammit!


I don´t worship any one, I respict(spitt when you say it)!!!!

If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

It has been my experience that few people truly dislike hero worship. Most of the time, people pretend they dislike hero worship because they wish to maintain their respectability and increase his/her followers. Our society abhors those who actively seek attention. (Let's face it, most of us hate those who always raise their hands in the classroom or a townhall meeting.) As a result, people realized that and by pretending not to want attention, they can gain more respectability, admiration,...etc.

Lalalalalalala (I think that sums up what this post became)

Yep, now it's monday... no big message saying EV 1.0.2 IS OUT!!! So, is it just caus i'm in oztralia or what?

"How can i make it go faster"?

The captain of the
A.S.S. Phoenix

I'm in the same timezone as Ambrosia and I haven't seen anything, either. Maybe later today, or it was postponed cause of all the stuff on the developers board...


"Americans want their cheese dead."
-NY Times Magazine

"Some people call magazines mags, some call 'em zines, so I just call them gazs."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Frandall said this morning (Monday) that some bugs had been found, but it shouldn't add but an extra day or two. Guess it's kinda good and bad news...


"Americans want their cheese dead."
-NY Times Magazine

"Some people call magazines mags, some call 'em zines, so I just call them gazs."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)