UE ship designer help :confused:

Waz^. Before saying I'm an idiot I need your help. I'm currently on the mission where you have to find and save the ship designer from human renegades. I got as far as finding the Nadir turncoat. I destroyed it (please don't tell me this is where I screwed up) and landed on Lothe Prime. When I was able to return to Freeport and visit the bar, there wasn't a message window like there was the first time. I've been looking everywhere for a clue to finding the designer, but I have come up with nothing. Please help!!

"Oops! You triggered the self-destruct system"

"Darn right Vonian scum 🆒 "


It is my understanding that you have to disable and board the ship, so yeah I think you screwed up.

HOWEVER... There are some possibilities. Try aborting the mission, landing on the place you got the mission (I think it's Knox, not sure), and if they give it to you again, then you're good to go. If that doesn't work, then open up a backup file of your pilot and do the stuff over again (you DO have backup files, RIGHT?!) 😉

But yeah, I'm pretty certain you gotta disable the Nadir and board it. In the future if this happens, instead of landing on a planet, immediately hit esc, and reopen your pilot file. Landing on a planet saves the pilot file, but if you screw up, you can try again right away by reopening the pilot file. This is assuming that you didn't land in the meantime. 🙂

MisterT's quotes to live by:

  • I pity you, foo! There's no room for you here, sucka!

  • WWMD: What Would McGyver Do? <---Think about it!


  • Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Republican.

  • Lord protect me from your followers!

Thanx MisterT. Well the mission does not show up on my mission info so I can't abort it and I've already landed on other planets and stations so I guess I F**** up :frown: :redface: :mad: :eek:. Just don't tell me this how you add the UE Cruiser to your playable ships or I'll just explode. I've been working with this pilot for over a year and I don't want to start over

Lightning : "Die UE scum!!"

Pike : "Come here you piece of $#!+!!!!!!!"


Thanx MisterT. Well the mission does not show up on my mission info so I can't abort it and I've already landed on other planets and stations so I guess I F**** up :frown: :redface: :mad: :eek:. Just don't tell me this how you add the UE Cruiser to your playable ships or I'll just explode. I've been working with this pilot for over a year and I don't want to start over

Lightning : "Die UE scum!!"

Pike : "Come here you piece of $#!+!!!!!!!"


Yeah, your right this is how you get the Cruiser, but dont give up hope just yet.

First open the pilot file, and look in the mission computer. If i'm right, then the mission should still be there but with a bullet point next to it ( one of these : • ). If that is there, just abort the mission and go back to the planet you first took the mission and take it again.

Whats wrong with the Lazira.
Everyone wants big powerful ships but a smaller faster ship is more fun and more challenging.