features of evo id like to see all reply

i have some ideas for ev/o. i would like feedback on them. weather there in plugs or if people would make a plug-in.yes this is a long post just read it. some of the ideas have been posted and arnt mine but i refined them a little. šŸ™‚

1-deployable bases-I would like to see the ability for people to get their own starbases without having to capture them. This would add a lot to the gameplay for people who like the idea of being able to build their own government, and for the people who don't, don't have to do it
A-also going along with the star bases is the ability to upgrade them to outfits and shipyard. This would increase your daily pay and give you money for other ideas I had
B-also going along with the escort controls that are mentioned further down, you should be able to hire a defense fleet, or send captured escorts to the defense fleet
C-and the more you do to aide one government the more their enemys dislike you and would eventually start to attack you.
2-the ability to advance in knowledge the longer you play. The more you play the higher your knowledge gets, and the more systems you discover.
A- going with knowledge you would have your galaxy but you would be able to discover new systems and maby goverments. Find a planet that isnt colonized, colonize it.
3-the ability to donate money to goverments. Ex fund the zachit for an attack on pirates. This would be interisting and give the people with massive ships and 900,000,000 million credits something to do.
4-maby the longer you play the more technologys are invented. Say you play for 2 game years and a new turret becomes available to the public. This would add some concepts to the game and give new weapons and outfits for people to master.
5-better escort controls. Naturally you would have to keep the current ones but say you activate the new ones by hitting f1. A screen would come up and varios commands and displays would be on it.Ex you hit f1 the screen appears and you look at planets and statitions you have dominated or built, look at the defense fleet size and the money the planet is making, and you send your captured escorts to go join the defense fleet.
6-this goes with another idead I had. Planets and stations that are built or dominated can be upgraded and protected. But the mood of the stellar is dependant on the attention and money you put into it. Say you have a station that hates you and is sending out bounty hunters, so you take and beef-up the defense fleet and build it and outfits and shipyard this would effectivly change the mood to a point where they like you, pay you a higher tribute and stop sending out those dam bounty hunters
7-natural diasters. How about some systems you jump into have aaaaaa reverse polaronic magnetic field or something that draind your sheilds but also effectivle hides you from pirates, while other storms can be harvested for fuel with a specific upgrade. This would add some more tactics to the game as well as making an excellent spot for an ambush, or mission string.
8-DESTROYABLE ASTEROIDS how many people hate asteroids and wish they could kill them???????
9-NPC's that use the cloaking device and to go with it a cloak scanner. Say available after a mission string.
10-shockwaves. How about if big ships sent out shockwaves when they were destroyed, they don't do armor damge so they cant kill you unless you have no armor and it would look really cool
11-NPC's that arnt incredibly stupid. Say they wont fall for the monty python manevur.
12-has anyone ever done those stupid missions where you have to protect a planet from dominatition. I hate them I once left because I couldn't finish it jumped back in a yer later and they were there, did they wait a year to dominate it? I think it should be setup so if you jump out the mission is failed and the planet is dominated but to go along with this if you do accept the mission and fail it has negative effects everywhere including statitions you may have built.
13-better beam weapons---self explanitory

i ask that you respond i would make plugs but i am incompetent when it comes to that stuff šŸ™‚

I am the SuperStar Destroyer,
soon you will all feel my wrath
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

A jedi's strengh flows through
the force

luke do not underestimate the
powers of the darkside

I have acepted that you
were once Anakin Skywalker
my father

young jedi only now do
you truly understand the
powers of the darkside

Many of your ideas would constitute engine coding, and at the current fc2 stage (second final candidate), they won't even possibly be added until a 1.0.3 comes around.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
Ā— GreenYO, #ev

Actually, most of these ideas are possible to simulate (note: simulate) with the current game engine (1.0.2, some even with 1.0.1) with some creative use of mission bits and resources. Example: missions to explore the galaxy (visbits), to colonize planets, mission time limits, hidden/invisible ships or weapons, creative use of explosion graphics, negative rewards fo missions, more visbits for upgrading planets/stations' tech level...

Some others, like smarter AI, have been implemented in 1.0.2.

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345


Originally posted by wraith:
8-DESTROYABLE ASTEROIDS how many people hate asteroids and wish they could kill them???????

You CAN destroy them, but they take ages to destroy (what do you expect from 30 km long asteriods?)

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

"I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
Ā— GreenYO, #ev

I think the ideas you are giving really would change gameplay so much that it is totally a different game, deploying bases would make it a military/strategy game, like Warcraft 2 or Total Annihilation. Some ideas are doable in plug ins. I'd suggest you go learn the ins and outs of plug making and then decide again what ideas you suggest are really worth putting in, who knows you may have many good ideas that are easy to implement.

Matt isn't tryint to make an entirely new game, in releasing 1.02 he's really only fixing bugs, and adding a few features that make game play more dynamic and enjoyable. Most of these were pretty easy for him.

In previous versions of EV, people could blow up asteroids with lots of fire-power, however matt removed that code before EV 1.05.

Back to making plugs, you should look in the addons page for res-edit, and res edit beginers guide. It shows a step by step process of making just about everything in EV/O and will make things like the EV/O bible easy to understand.

Best of Luck


If you combined every idea in this topic along with the ideas the people who are talking about multiplayer in that topic then you would the the Best EV/O game ever made then again they might have to change the game name to something else like EV Ultmate then you would have to put all the AWESOME looking ships in from various places around the internet one of which is a Kestrel that looks like a Dragon very awesme......................................................................................................................................................


Does anybody else remember when asteroids were easily destroyable in the very early releases of the original EV? Those were the days... šŸ™‚

I still want submunitioning weaps. Those would be cool.


Most of what you sugest doesn't fit in with the origional idea behind EV. However, I do think there should be more commands for escorts and fighters. "Attack that", "Stay there", and "come here" aren't enough. The cloak idea is also kewl.

"I don't get involved in politics. My IQ is too high."
-VootGoo, your standard issue Dwarven Fighter I played when I was 12.
p.s. His INT was 6.

I think you people screaming "STATIONS! MULTIPLAYER! QUAKE3 QUALITY GRAPHICS!" should do a small number of things:

  1. Go buy Inside Macintosh in dead-tree form.

  2. Buy Codewarrior

  3. Take a class at a community college on fizzicks.

  4. Code your own engine with the features you want.

Untill you have done that, or have started that, kindly get ****ed.


Enginners can actually hear machines talk to them. The rattle in the car's engine teases softly, "I'll bet you can't find me." The computer hums an approving tune when the enginner writes an expecially briliant peice of computer code. The toaster says "Not yet, not yet, not yet." untill the toast pops out. An enginner who is surrounded by machines is never lonly and never judged by apperance. These are friends.