General in Ghost Swamp

I resuced the General and return to get the message that I must warn the cites. But the quest remains in my log. Did I miss part of it? Septemris continues to tell me to return and free the Genereal.


I don't quite remember, but you may have to talk to the general(Decimus) before
Septemris congratulates you and finishes out the rescuing the general quest.

Decimus is located on the same area as Septemris. However, Decimus is around the
western portion of the middle of the screen, and is hanging around a tent. Go talk
to him, have him thank you, then go chat with Septemris again. Decimus should also
give you a quest to go warn the garrisons, but to speak using his name, which will let
you complete that quest as well.

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

you did colloect the evil crown from the ground after you defeated the bewitched decimus, right? because what you need to do is actually give the crown to septemris and then you have to warn all the garrisons, and youll then be sent on your knighthood quest


Wait, don't you automatically get the crown after defeating the "bad general?" I seem
to remember that after I "killed" the "bad general" that the game went into auto-mode,
and I was told that the spell was broken, the crown fell to the ground, blah blah,
and then next thing I knew I was standing outside the cave with a message that the
general and the soldiers had went back to Fantrima(and of course left me in the swamp
to fight my own way back.. ungracious turds!). I seem to remember that after killing
him, you get the text sequence, get teleported, and the crown is put into your
inventory. I could be wrong though...

Only reason I remember this is because I remember being really irritated about it. I had
fought my way down to the bottom, and I got teleported out of the cave before I had a
chance to fully explore that bottom level. Although, I wasn't upset enough to go
back into the cave to finish exploring... 😛

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

well then im not sure..... try talkiung to decimus like he said. are you sure that you didnt like die or the application quit with out you saving, because if you did, youd have to go back and redo the quest. you could try warning a garrison and see if the "im speaking on behalf of decimus" text option is there


it might just be a bug, but in any case sorry i couldnt help more
