Help with mission.


I have gotten the mission with the government to free a planet from Vionian control. I forget the name of the planet. But its in the south western quarter. The only way I can go about winning the mission with my ship is going to Idgazarda and buying the Idgazarigan governments search and distroy pods. Then I leave and come back, until I distory all the ships. Well, when I land on the station that I am supposed to attack with the marines you are given, they disappear from my cargo, but nothing happens. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?

-Paul Zachary


I had this problem. You are using 1.0.0 aren't you? Try downloading 1.0.1 from the addons page. For your problem, abort then take it agin. It should then work (it did for me). If you have already done the mission then your F***ed, I'm afraid. You'll have to start again, or if you backed up your file, use that.

My name is Gavin, and don't you ever forget that.

If you can stand it, wait for v1.0.2 to come out.

"U.E.S. Iron Fist, request permission to dock."
"Permission denied."
"Up yours, Voinian scum!"