
I have just started this plugin it seem preety good. But On the Mission find the intruder I can't find him anywhere .

If any one can tell me which system I will be most gratefull.


It's in a system adjacent to "Igadzra". I'm not sure what it's called. I think it's Nujja.

Never argue with a stupid person. They drag you down to their level
and beat you with their experience.

Thanks Banana64

Well you seem to be good at this so here me out.
I've comleted The string that has to do with the planet Noboo and that guy named glen. I am kind of leaning towards the Bombarii as my chosen social group so I wondered if you know where there main string starts or how to get it. Because all i can get from them is "Destroy the empire Raiding fleet" I finished the string with the religus Bombarri and that plague and I also got into the consortium string on that planet that is covered with a station.

So in short, Where and when can i contiue the Consortium missions and Where and when can I Get bombarri or Xarnez missions

Any answers will Usfule


The reason we know there is Intelligent life in space is that they haven't contacted us.

Tarkin-I just incountered the same problem, so thank you for posting this question. Banna64-thank you for replying!

There not that many Bomari missions. Have you done the monks mission? You get them in the Bomari system with 4 planets. To get Xarnez missions you have to do the Querin mission string (or part of it) first, I think (that's how I got them). Working for Querin you'll get some missions connected to Xarnez and finally Xarnez'll tell you that you can come back and get more missions from them.
As for Consorcium I don't really remember. I think thei missions string will start at F-25 (I may be wrong though)


Hey, to do the F-25 plug, what is the deal? you can't have completed the explorations yet, or what?

I love Macs and PCs.
Please forgive me.
Half Life Rules!


Originally posted by Damonox:
**Hey, to do the F-25 plug, what is the deal? you can't have completed the explorations yet, or what?


I think you're a bit confused here. To start F-25, you must complete the nebula exploration missions. If you have a pilot that has not done those missions yet, play them to completion, then quit and put F-25 in the plug-ins folder. This is done only for the 7-8 ship overlap. And be sure you're not in a Voinian ship or have any of their vessels as escorts.
