Who is your favorite race????

Personally my fav is the Voinians. When you get a cheat that allows you to buy a Dreadnaught they are invincable.

πŸ†’ πŸ†’

The day that I give up beer is the day that retarded turds take over the planet!

Now cheating is for cowards, but enough of that. My fav. is miruana, cuz they got "nice&fluffy;" missions.

If itΒ΄s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

Voinians. They're cool.

ALso Aggies.


Man say Phillie number one American cigar, that man right!

AIM: Esvaem6 (duh)


i dont have a favorite race really...although i work for UE they dont give me much cash :frown: maybe adzgari becuase they sell me all of my cool ship upgrades πŸ™‚ (sorry if i sound amateur but i've only played for a few days...plus im not the combat type, just the trader/blockade runner)


My faviroute races are in order, not including inter-races (Zachit, Frontier Express ect.)

1. Igazra (sp?)
They have powerful ships and weapons, and the Siphon beam is very cool.

The Voinian Cruiser is awesome, and it rocks in the Creascent.

3. Azdgari
The Azdara is great, and if you work for them, capture their warship, and get six as an escort. Fight anyone exept the Voinians.

4. Zidager
I like the Zidara, for some reason. It is a good ship, but only when it is upgraded. I always get some as escorts, as the bay is useless unless you have more fighters, so use your escorts as make-shift carriers for you.

5. United Earth
They have moderate ships, and have the deepest mission plot in the game.

6. Renegades (human)
I like the Captains of Freeport, and I am making a plug-in for them.

7. Miranu
Not much going.

8. Renegades (South Tip and North Tip)
Not as organized as the captains, and therefore not as good.

9. Council
These freaks are scary, and they give me NO missions. Arseholes.

10. Emalgha
This race sucks. Crap ships and weapons, and they have two systems. When I attack Ekuip with them, all of their ships get destroyed with about 3 or 4 Voinian warships still left. The Emalgha weapons may be armour piercing, but the turret has only a 90 degree arc, and I rather use Blaze weapons.

Tell me if I missed anything out!